Faus & Moliner lidera novament el dret farmacèutic a Espanya

Jordi Faus contínua sent reconegut com el millor advocat d'Espanya en dret farmacèutic per la Guia Chambers & Partners 2022

Chambers & Partners ha publicat l’edició 2022 de la Guia Chambers Europe, en la que, a partir d’opinions de clients i altres advocats, s’identifiquen i clasifiquen els principals advocats i despatxos a Europa i Faus & Moliner ha estat considerat un cop més com a despatx líder en dret farmacèutic a Espanya.

Els clients consultats per l’equip de Chambers & Partners destaquen com a principal fortalesa el lideratge del despatx en assumptes reguladors relacionats amb el sector de life sciences així com en l’àrea de preus i reemborsaments. Igualment, destaquen la seva àmplia experiència en l’assessorament relatiu a recursos administratius contra decisions de contractació pública o preus i en casos de responsabilitat per producte defectuós, ressaltant que els seus advocats són “increïblement pragmàtics, experts i estan sempre disposats a brindar assessorament en una àmplia varietat d’assumptes”.

Informació publicada per Chambers & Partners al seu lloc web:

What the team is known for prestigious Barcelona-based boutique with a stand-out reputation in regulatory issues relating to the life sciences market. It is regularly retained by key players from the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries to advise on a range of matters that entail interaction with Spain’s life sciences sector regulators, including applications for marketing authorisations or negotiations relating to the pricing and potential reimbursement of medical products. The firm advises on administrative appeals against public procurement or pricing decisions. It defends leading life sciences companies in product liability cases. The firm also earns praise for its advice on the drafting and negotiation of commercial agreements between life sciences companies.

Strengths clients say that Faus & Moliner is “the best law firm specialised in the pharmaceuticals industry” and praise the firm’s “agile team and rigorous advice.” and they appreciate their lawyers being “incredibly pragmatic, knowledgeable and happy to assist on a wide breadth of matters.”

Notable practitioners:

Jordi Faus is often identified as the top lawyer in Spain for life sciences regulatory issues. “He provides a combination of knowledge, level of service, expertise and value for money that has no equal at the moment in Spain,” states one client. “He is a brilliant lawyer and a real trusted partner for his clients,” reports another interviewee, while a third source says: “He has that practical knowledge of the market and the companies in terms of what they are doing, and he knows what the regulator thinks.”

Xavier Moliner has standout experience in the defence of sensitive product liability claims brought against major life sciences companies. He also advises on procurement disputes. He is known among market commentators as an important member of the Faus & Moliner team.

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