Guia Chambers & Partners 2021
Jordi Faus, el millor advocat a Espanya en l'àmbit del dret farmacèutic segons la Guia Chambers & Partners 2021
Chambers & Partners ha publicat l’edició 2021 de la Guia Chambers Europe, en la que, a partir d’opinions de clients i altres advocats, s’identifiquen i clasifiquen els principals advocats i despatxos a Europa i Faus & Moliner ha estat considerat un cop més com a despatx líder en dret farmacèutic a Espanya.
Els clients consultats per l’equip de Chambers & Partners destaquen com a principal fortalesa el lideratge del despatx en assumptes reguladors relacionats amb el sector de life sciences així com en l’àrea de preus i reemborsaments. Igualment, destaquen la seva àmplia experiència en l’àrea de material promocional i subratllen que “l’equip és pragmàtic i clar en el seu assessorament” i afirmen que “és un plaer treballar amb ells”.
Informació publicada per Chambers & Partners a la seva pàgina web:
What the team is known for Prestigious Barcelona-based boutique with a stand-out reputation in regulatory issues relating to the life sciences market. Regularly retained by key players from the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries to advise on a range of matters, spanning licence agreements and compliance projects. Also offers strength in pricing and reimbursement matters. Showcases prowess in issues relating to promotional material.
Strengths One client reports that the team is “pragmatic and clear in their advice as well as responsive and reactive to the client’s needs.”
“The service and quality of advice are excellent,” enthuses another client, who adds that “it is a real pleasure to work with them.”
Work highlights Advised Novartis and Pfizer on the Spanish Transparency Council’s ruling pertaining to the publication of confidential information on the price of various products.
Notable practitioners:
Jordi Faus offers expert advice on regulatory issues, medicinal product pricing and competition matters. Clients state: “He has outstanding experience and impressive knowledge of life sciences legal issues. He is a quick thinker, able to adapt to any situation.”
Xavier Moliner is regularly instructed by pharmaceuticals and medical device companies. He deftly handles complex regulatory issues and litigation relating to public procurements. “He is amazing at providing me with quick counselling,” a client remarks.