Faus Moliner participates in the Colloquium “Two great novelties: hospital exemptions and transferable exclusivity vouchers” organized by Diariofarma

Jordi Faus and Lluís Alcover participated in the meeting held in Madrid on September 17

Jordi Faus and Lluís Alcover participated in this interesting meeting on transferable exclusivity vouchers and hospital exemptions organized by Diariofarma with the purpose of discussing the key issues of the regulation, analyzing the changes in the legislation and promoting dialogue between agents on the European pharmaceutical legislative package.

Jordi Faus was in charge of presenting the current situation of transferable exclusivity vouchers for antibiotics. In this sense, he defined the transferable vouchers contemplated in the regulation as instruments that will hypothetically allow certain companies to enjoy a period of regulatory data protection in addition to that provided for in the general regulations.

Lluís Alcover made an introduction on the hospital exemption and raised the situation of hospital exemptions, the limits of the current legislation and the changes that are foreseen with the new regulation, as well as the different vision shown by the European Commission and the Parliament on some specific issues. Lluís Alcover pointed out that the regulation expressly contemplates the possibility that certain advanced therapies that meet certain requirements could be used by means of an authorization of use by the Member States without the need for a marketing authorization.

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