Faus Moliner participates in the Fifth Edition of the Summer Course NewsRARE

The event, organized by the Weber Foundation and co-sponsored by Aelmhu, took place on 26 September 2024

Lluís Alcover has participated in the round table discussion on “How does the Royal Decree on Health Technology Assessment affect orphan drugs?”, together with Max Brosa, Market Access advisor, Beatriz Perales, President of AELMHU, Pedro Gómes, Health Economist, former Secretary General of the ONT, former Deputy Director General of Pharmacy, civil servant of the Ministry of Health on leave of absence, and the moderation of Álvaro Hidalgo.

In particular, Lluís Alcover has analyzed the impact that the future Royal Decree on Health Technology Assessment will have on orphan drugs. He also has discussed whether this decree can balance the right of patients to access innovative treatments with the need to guarantee the safety and efficacy of drugs, as well as the sustainability of the healthcare system.

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