It´s our anniversary
On June 10, 2022 we celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Faus Moliner at the Art Nouveau Site of the Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona.
The evening began with a dialogue on “The future of medicines in Europe” with the participation of Mª Jesús Lamas, Director of the Spanish Medicines Agency; Rui Santos Ivo, President of Infarmed (the Portuguese National Authority for Medicines and Health Products); and Stefano Marino, Director of the Legal Service of the European Medicines Agency.
Afterwards, we enjoyed the musical performances of Ignasi Terraza Trio and the Super Gang Band at a cocktail dinner in the gardens of the venue.
During his toast for the 25 years, Jordi Faus emphasized that the mission at lawyers of Faus Moliner, “just like medicines, is to provide an answer to a problem, and we try to do it with quality, safety and efficacy. Also with affection.” In this sense, Xavier Moliner added that “we are fortunate to be surrounded by a great team of young people, top professionals, who share our obsession for quality, efficiency and for treating all matters with a special affection; and who are also a guarantee of a promising future”.
We are very grateful to all of you who have accompanied us these years, and happy to have been able to celebrate it together. You may find here some photos of this celebration.