Faus & Moliner at the EU Pharmaceutical Law Forum
Jordi Faus speaks at the workshop on market access for innovative therapies and moderates the interactive discussion on Regulatory Flexibility
In its 30th edition, the EU Pharmaceutical Law Forum has offered an in-depth analysis of the hottest topics affecting pharmaceutical and life sciences companies with the participation of the most relevant professionals in the field of pharmaceutical law from all over Europe.
Jordi Faus has participated in the Seminar «Market Access for Innovative Therapies», along with Christian Jervelund (Managing Partner at Copenhagen Economics) Marieke Jansen (Head Legal Cell and Gene Europe, Novartis), Adela Williams and Alexander Roussanov (partners, Arnold & Porter), where he has offered a presentation on innovative payment models and structuring contracts. In his presentation, Jordi has spoken about the legal challenges raised by the need to improve access to innovative therapies whilst ensuring sutainability; and also about the structural challenges faced by payors and public healthcare providers.
Jordi Faus has also moderated the Interactive discussion on Regulatory Flexibility, where the speakers have been Sandra Vanlievendael, (Head of Pharmaceutical Law at the European Medicines Agency) , Virginia Acha (Associate Vice President, Global Regulatory Policy, MSD) and Eveline Van Keymeulen (Partner at Latham & Watkins). In this session, the speakers have had the opportunity to discuss about lessons learned from COVID-19 and how to convert these to “fit for innovation” regulation, about new initiatives including rolling reviews and adapted approaches to regulatory assessments; and about how regulations may help to respond to future emergency situations.