Faus & Moliner at the Early Access Programmes & Compassionate Use in the EU in Düsseldorf

Francisco Aránega made a presentation about Early access possibilities in Spain

This seminar was organized by the FORUM Institut in Düsseldorf and provided a detailed overview of early access possibilities in the EU in general as a well as in Germany, the UK, Spain and France in particular.

The seminar informed about the available options for, and the arising challenges of, bringing pharmaceuticals to the European market as fast as possible.

Specifically, topics such as eligibility to the various programmes, data requirements and reimbursement options were discussed in order to acquire a deep understanding of how patients could benefit from new products at the earliest possible.

This seminar addressed the needs of pharmaceutical industry employees in medical affairs, market access or healthcare management as well as of those dealing with market access strategies within Europe.

Francisco Aránega made a presentation about the compassionate use and off-label use and early access to medicines in Spain.

He focused on explaining the regulation, procedures for approval and the roles of different parties involved but also gave practical tips and commented on future developments.

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