Faus Moliner participates in the “10th Annual World Life Sciences Conference” organized by the International Bar Association

Faus Moliner, together with Uría Menéndez, acted as co-chair of the local host committee of the "10th Annual World Life Sciences Conference" held in Madrid on May 30-31, 2024

With the participation of more than 200 lawyers and speakers from all over the world, the conference addressed the different challenges that the life-science sector faces, as well as the latest developments in this area. The conference was also attended by Blaz Visnar (Deputy to the Head of the Pharma Unit of the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission), Federico de Montalvo (former President of the Spanish Bioethics Committee) and Rui Santos Ivo (President of Infarmed).

Jordi Faus participated, together with Anne Walsh (Hyman, Phelps & McNamara, P.C.), as moderator of a panel aimed at addressing the challenges in complying with and navigating between regulations and authorities. Lluís Alcover, along with Moisés Ramírez (GSK) and Anders Thue (Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS), participated as moderator in a panel discussion aimed at analyzing cases of disparagement in interactions between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals.

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