Faus Moliner participates in the conference on Proposals for innovation in access to medicines in the National Health System organized by the CEFI Foundation
Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach participate in the panel of experts and make interesting proposals during their intervention.
Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach together with a group of leading experts present their proposals to innovate access to medicines in the National Health System.
Lluís Alcover reflects on the conditions of access to non-financed medicinal products. He makes a brief analysis of the current situation and suggests two proposals to improve the access to non-financed medicinal products in Spain.
Carles Bailach points out that maintaining the confidentiality of the price of medicines encourages Spain’s access to new treatments under better economic conditions, which contributes to maintaining the financial sustainability of the SNS. In addition, he presents his proposals to innovate in access to medicines.