Incentivos, innovación y seguridad jurídica

Jordi Faus

El Global

La semana pasada empezó fuerte. El lunes, la Fundación CEFI organizó, con su habitual maestría, un seminario sobre los incentivos a la innovación en salud como ventaja competitiva de la UE. En la primera mesa, moderada por Silvia Martínez (BMS), se trataron cuestiones relacionadas con el marco actual y la importancia de los incentivos (Irene...
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Más certidumbre en la compra pública

Claudia Gonzalo

El Global

Es frecuente leer o escuchar que la normativa de contratación pública es un corsé que no se ajusta como debería a la compra de medicamentos y productos sanitarios. Dicho desorden o desajuste va siendo moldeado mediante las interpretaciones razonadas y razonables que sobre la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público (LCSP) hacen los tribunales administrativos...
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Faus Moliner participa en «International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability 2024»


The 2024 edition of the magazine International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability is now available. The Guide offers a practical insight into product liability issues across the world, and includes general articles on novelties in the field of product liability and country specific Q&A chapters. Xavier Moliner and Juan Martínez were in charge of...
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Ensayos Fast Track

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

España es líder europeo en ensayos clínicos. Según los últimos datos publicados, de los 2.491 ensayos clínicos autorizados en la Unión Europea desde que está operativo el nuevo Sistema Europeo de Información (CTIS), los centros españoles participaron en 1.136 ensayos, casi la mitad del total. Según el Registro Español de Estudios Clínicos (REEC), el 58%...
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Faus Moliner participates in the “10th Annual World Life Sciences Conference” organized by the International Bar Association

Faus Moliner, together with Uría Menéndez, acted as co-chair of the local host committee of the "10th Annual World Life Sciences Conference" held in Madrid on May 30-31, 2024

With the participation of more than 200 lawyers and speakers from all over the world, the conference addressed the different challenges that the life-science sector faces, as well as the latest developments in this area. The conference was also attended by Blaz Visnar (Deputy to the Head of the Pharma Unit of the Directorate General...
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El medicamento en los tribunales en el año 2023

Xavier Moliner, Jordi Faus, Eduard Rodellar, Lluís Alcover, Anna Gerboles, Joan Carles Bailach, Juan Martínez, Laia Rull, Claudia Gonzalo, Oriol Cases and Pablo Mansilla


By means of this article we go through the most important decisions by Spanish andEuropean courts regarding medicinal products during the year 2023

How should the “benefit-risk” concept of a medicinal product be interpreted?

Judgment of the General Court of the European Union of 15 May 2024 (T-416/22)

Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 252

Background This judgment concerns an appeal against the European Commission’s Implementing Decision on marketing authorisations (“MAs”) for medicinal products containing the active substance hydroxyethyl starch (“HES”) indicated for the treatment of hypovolemia caused by sudden blood loss. All HES medicinal products had been authorised at national level by the Member States. In order to properly...
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Harmonisation of guidelines for the use of scientific data in advertising to healthcare professionals

New monograph of the Medicines Advertising Bulletin of Catalonia

Anna Gerboles

Capsulas Nº 252

On 29 April 2024, the Medicines Advertising Bulletin of Catalonia issued a new notice outlining revised guidelines for using scientific publications and data into promotional materials for medicines. The document is based on Royal Decree 1416/1994 which regulates the advertising of medicinal products for human use, the Farmaindustria Code, the resolutions of the Jury of...
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Conformity with the SmPC is a “per se” rule in advertising of medicinal products

Decisions of the Jury of Advertising of Autocontrol of 29 February 2024 and 12 April 2024 in the Fasenra® case

Laia Rull

Capsulas Nº 252

Background These decisions stem from a complaint by GSK against AstraZeneca for promotional materials related to the medicinal product Fasenra® that had been presented at several satellite symposia during national scientific congresses. AstraZeneca markets Fasenra® (benralizumab) which is indicated as an add-on maintenance treatment in adult patients with severe eosinophilic asthma (“AGE” by its Spanish...
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