Is it possible to recommend resale prices or apply different prices when a product is sold on the Internet?

The National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) intervenes in a number of cases in the cosmetics and food supplements market

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 237

Background One of the purpose of competition law is to ensure free pricing, which is in the interest of consumers. Valid reasons for manufacturers to oblige distributors to maintain a minimum resale price are rarely found. However, in 2016, the CNMC found that Martiderm’s minimum retail price could be tolerated. The CNMC applied the de...
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Good administration in the face of administrative silence

Judgment of the Chamber for Contentious-Administrative Proceedings of the Supreme Court (2nd Section) 7 March 2023

José Vida

Capsulas Nº 237

The principle of good administration has always been part of the principles governing the actions of public administrations, even if is not explicitly formulated. The recognition of the right to good administration in Article 41 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights has been a catalyst for its invocation by the courts, increasingly in cases...
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Sobre la consulta del nuevo Real Decreto de publicidad

Anna Gerboles

El Global

El pasado martes el Ministerio de Sanidad abrió el trámite de consulta para realizar aportaciones al nuevo Real Decreto de publicidad de medicamentos de uso humano, que actualizará las disposiciones en esta materia, tanto las aplicables a la publicidad dirigida al público como las relativas a la publicidad a profesionales sanitarios. El nuevo Real Decreto sustituirá al aprobado en 1994 que,...
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¿Qué alcance tienen el principio de publicidad de los contratos públicos y la excepción de confidencialidad? A propósito de la sentencia del TJUE de 17 de noviembre de 2022 (Asunto C- 54/21)

Santiago Tomas, Joan Carles Bailach


The purpose of this article is to analyze the ruling of the European Court of Justice of 17 November 2022 (Case C-54/21) and the implications it may have for the debate that exists regarding the confidentialityof the unitary prices of medicinal product in public tenders versus the principles of publicity and transparency that exist in...
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Faus Moliner participates in the «International Comparative Legal Guide to Drug & Medical Device Litigation 2023»

Xavier Moliner and Juan Martínez write the chapter related to Drug & Medical Device Litigation in Spain

Xavier Moliner, Juan Martínez


The 2023 edition of the International International Comparative Legal Guide to Drug & Medical Device Litigation magazine is now available. The Guide offers a practical insight into drug and medical devices litigation issues across the world. Xavier Moliner and Juan Martinez were in charge of chapter 15 dedicated to drug and medical device litigation.

Sobre terapias avanzadas y la exención hospitalaria

Jordi Faus

El Global

La semana pasada se celebró en Barcelona el “Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mediterranean” organizado por la Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, una organización con cerca de 500 miembros en más de 25 países, dedicada al estudio de cuestiones que las terapias avanzadas plantean en relación con los pacientes, los sistemas de salud, las empresas...
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Faus & Moliner participates in «The Legal 500: Product Liability Country Comparative Guides»

Xavier Moliner and Juan Martínez write the chapter regarding product liability in Spain

Xavier Moliner, Juan Martínez

The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides

The aim of this guide is to provide its readers with a general overview of current Product Liability laws and regulations in each of the jurisdictions to which it refers. Each chapter of this guide provides information about objective product liability, non-contractual and contract liability and litigation that can be raised on these matters. Xavier Moliner...
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Faus & Moliner continues to lead the pharmaceutical law in Spain

Jordi Faus, the best lawyer for pharmaceutical law in Spain according to the Chambers & Partners Guide 2023

Chambers and Partners has published the 2023 edition of the Chambers Europe Guide, in which, based on opinions of clients and other lawyers, the leading lawyers and law firms in Europe are identified and classified and Faus Moliner appears once again as the leading law firm in pharmaceutical law in Spain. Those consulted by the Chambers &...
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Faus & Moliner participates in the “Chambers Global Practices Guides – Pharmaceutical Advertising 2023″

Jordi Faus, Anna Gerbolés y Claudia Alberdi write the chapter about Law and Practice in Spain

Jordi Faus, Anna Gerboles and Claudia Alberdi
The ‘Law & Practice’ section provides easily accessible information on navigating the legal system when conducting business in the jurisdiction. Leading lawyers explain local law and practice at key transactional stages and for crucial aspects of doing business. The “Trends and Developments” section analizes the latest trends and developments in connection with pharmaceutical advertising in...
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Word EPA Congress

Lluís Alcover, Joan Carles Bailach

El Global

 Esta semana (21-23 marzo) se celebró en Amsterdam el World Evidence, Pricing & Access Congress, evento de referencia en materia de precios y acceso al mercado. Haciendo balance de tres días de intensas jornadas y debates, una conclusión que se puede alcanzar es que aunque muchas cuestiones relacionadas con el acceso se diriman a nivel...
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