New business models, appropriate instruments to channel innovative public procurement

Executive summary of Jordi Faus’s presentation at the Pharmaceutical Law Course organized by Fundación CEFI.

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 230

This article summarizes the main ideas presented at the round table on new business models of the Pharmaceutical Law Course. First. In the field of medicinal products for hospital use, the migration from the supply of products to the provision of services is already a consolidated fact. This trend is expected to expand and to...
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Access to new medicinal products: analysis and proposals

Executive summary of Lluis Alcover’s presentation at the Pharmaceutical Law Course organized by Fundación CEFI

Lluís Alcover

Capsulas Nº 230

The Pharmaceutical Law Course organized by Fundación CEFI was held in Madrid on September 27th and 28th. Among the ideas that were discussed, I would like to highlight the following: First, access to innovation in Spain must certainly improve. In many cases, innovation does not reach patients, or does so under restricted conditions, late or...
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Medicinal products’ price confidentiality and the implementation of Transparency Law

Executive summary of Joan Carles Bailach’s presentation at the Pharmaceutical Law Course organized by Fundación CEFI.

Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 230

The right of access to public information was regulated, in general terms, by Law 19/2013, of 9 December 2013, on transparency, access to public information and good governance (LTAIBG). LTAIBG defines public information as the contents or documents held by public administrations, which have been prepared or acquired in the exercise of their functions, regardless...
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CEFI, el derecho farmacéutico y el contrato social

Jordi Faus

El Global

La nueva edición del Curso de Derecho Farmacéutico organizado por la Fundación CEFI ha sido espectacular. El programa incluía todos los temas imaginables en el ámbito que nos ocupa; y el formato en que se desarrolló permitió abordarlos con una agilidad y frescura muy recomendable. Como suele suceder, muchos ponentes lamentaron no disponer de más...
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Faus Moliner participates at the Course on Pharmaceutical Law organized by CEFI

Lluís Alcover, Joan Carles Bailach and Jordi Faus participated at the Course on Pharmaceutical Law "Biomedicine, Medicines and Public Health" organized by the CEFI Foundation.

In the last years, the Course on Pharmaceutical Law organized by Fundación CEFI has become a reference forum for the legal analysis of issues that affect the life of a medicinal product. In this last edition, held in Madrid on 27 and 28 September 2022, Faus Moliner participated with three presentations. Lluís Alcover´s presentation dealt...
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Contra la rigidez en la compra pública

Jordi Faus


La semana pasada tuve el privilegio de participar en la “1a Pan-European Hospital & Healthcare Procurement Summit” celebrada en Bruselas y organizada magistralmente por la EHPPA (European Health Public Procurement Alliance) y la Health Proc Europe Association. Tanto una como otra son entidades sin ánimo de lucro que agrupan a compradores públicos de productos relacionados con...
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Últimas tendencias en ensayos clínicos

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

Hace pocos días se ha publicado la hoja de ruta 2022-2026 de “Accelerating Clinical Trials in the EU” (ACT EU). Esta iniciativa, promovida por la Comisión Europea, la Red de Jefes de Agencias de Medicamentos y la EMA, busca transformar la realización de ensayos clínicos en la UE y, en general, la investigación clínica, para que puedan...
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¿Existe el derecho a la salud?

Lluís Alcover

EL Global

Recientemente, el Ministerio de Sanidad ha publicado la Estrategia de Salud Pública 2022. El Documento trata aspectos muy diversos y aporta ideas interesantes que invitan a reflexión: ¿Tenemos los españoles derecho a la salud? Probablemente, y salvando las dificultades para definir qué significa exactamente “salud”, muchas personas responderían afirmativamente a esta pregunta. Al fin y al cabo, ¿qué...
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Global Legal Insights to: Pricing & Reimbursement 2022

Jordi Faus, Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach

Global Legal Group

The fifth edition of Pricing & Reimbursement has been recently published and just like last year Jordi Faus, with the collaboration of Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach, has been in charge of the chapter dedicated to pricing and reimbursement in Spain. GLI Pricing & Reimbursement includes the following sections for each of the 18...
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