Information to be provided in e-commerce

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of 5 May 2022 in Case C-179/21

Verónica Carías

Capsulas Nº 227

Background Under EU rules on consumer rights, and on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees, the trader is required to provide the consumer buying goods or services over the internet with certain information in order for them to be bound. This information includes the characteristics of the goods or services...
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Más innovación, más Europa

Jordi Faus

El Global

La semana pasada intervine como moderador de las sesiones de la jornada de la tarde del European Pharmaceutical Law Forum en Bruselas. Es una reunión de referencia en el sector, donde participa de forma activa la Comisión Europea exponiendo sus puntos de vista sobre cuestiones candentes en distintos ámbitos de interés. Entre éstos destacan el...
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Sobre pacientes, influencers y el arte de puntualizar

EL Global

En el mundo que vivimos cada vez cobra más importancia estar bien informado. También en el ámbito sanitario: los pacientes reclaman una mejor información, clara, completa y, en definitiva, de calidad; ya sea sobre el manejo de las enfermedades que les afectan, la forma de uso de determinados medicamentos que entrañan una cierta complejidad, o...
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El Medicamento en los Tribunales en el año 2021

Jordi Faus, Xavier Moliner, Eduard Rodellar, Verónica Carías, Lluís Alcover, Santiago Tomas, Anna Gerboles, Joan Carles Bailach and Oriol Cases


By means of this article we go through the most important decisions by Spanish andEuropean courts regarding medicinal products during the year 2021.

Feliz día Europa

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

Este lunes 9 de mayo celebramos el Día de Europa, coincidiendo con el aniversario de la histórica “Declaración Schuman” de 1950, considerada el comienzo de lo que hoy es la Unión Europea. En estos más de 70 años se han producido numerosos avances en la consecución del mercado único, pero en sectores como el de...
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Contratación pública, competencia e incentivos

Santiago Tomas

El Global

Cuando aparecieron en el mercado en España los genéricos, las dinámicas competitivas del mercado farmacéutico cambiaron de forma sustancial. Al ponerse en marcha el sistema de precios de referencia en 1999, se produjo un nuevo cambio. El sistema de agrupaciones homogéneas previsto el Real Decreto 177/2014 podía haber generado también cambios sustanciales en la forma...
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CMDh developments regarding marketing authorisations processed through decentralised procedures

Minutes of the CMDh meetings of 25-27 January 2022

Anna Gerboles

Capsulas N 226

On 18 March 2022, the amended minutes of the CMDh meetings held in January 2022 were published. In these meetings, the CMDh discussed, among other issues, a case regarding an appeal against a Dutch marketing authorisation (MA) which had been processed through a decentralised procedure (DCP) with Netherlands as Reference Member State (RMS). The minutes...
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Public procurement of biosimilars  

Resolutions of the Central Administrative Court of Public Procurement (TACRC) of 27 January 2022 and of 24 February 2022

Santiago Tomas

Capsulas Nº 226

Introduction During the first quarter of 2022, the Central Administrative Court of Public Procurement (TACRC) published several resolutions that may be of interest to the biological medicines sector. Such resolutions address the possibility of favouring biosimilar medicines in tenders (resolution of 27 January) and some issues regarding the INGESA framework agreement (resolutions of 24 February...
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The importance of procedural aspects in damage claims regarding clinical trials

Judgment of the Court of Appeals of Madrid of 22 December 2021

Eduard Rodellar, Juan Martínez

Capsulas Nº 226

Claims for damages are often brought against companies that are not the ones that allegedly caused the damages; but rather against companies of the same group which are closer to the plaintiff’s territory. On many occasions, claims are filed against Spanish subsidiaries, even if they have not participated in the events leading to the claim....
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Faus & Moliner participates in the «International Comparative Legal Guide to Drug & Medical Device Litigation 2022»

Xavier Moliner and Juan Martínez write the chapter dedicated to drug and medical device litigation in Spain

Xavier Moliner, Juan Martínez


The 2022 edition of the International International Comparative Legal Guide to Drug & Medical Device Litigation magazine is now available. The Guide offers a practical insight into drug and medical devices litigation issues across the world. Xavier Moliner and Juan Martinez were in charge of chapter 16 dedicated to drug and medical device litigation.

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