The transfer of administrative and criminal liability in mergers and acquisitions

Judgement of the Constitutional Court of Spain of 11 December 2023 (n. 179/2023)

Pablo Mansilla and Laia Rull

Capsulas Nº 252

Background This important judgment of the Constitutional Court of Spain (“TC” by its Spanish acronym) rules on the constitutional appeal filed by Banco Santander against a 2019 sanctioning resolution of the Council of Ministers. This resolution imposed on the bank Banco Santander, the successor entity of Banco Popular, a fine for the commission of a...
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Faus Moliner participates in the EU Pharmaceutical Law Forum

Jordi Faus participated in the dialogue Market Access Challenges and Developments for Pharmaceutical Firms

The 33rd edition of the European Pharmaceutical Law Forum, organized by Informa Connect, took place in Brussels from May 21-23, 2024. As in previous editions, several round tables have addressed key issues and developments in EU Pharmaceutical Law. Jordi Faus, together with Ilja Moree (Novartis AG) and Christian Jervelund (Copenhagen Economics), addressed the challenges faced...
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Avanza la nueva Propuesta de Directiva de responsabilidad por producto

Juan Martínez

El Global

La Unión Europea da un nuevo paso en la elaboración de la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y Consejo sobre responsabilidad por los daños causados por producto defectuoso, que pretende derogar la actual Directiva 85/374/CEE. Mediante resolución de 12 de marzo de 2024, el Parlamento Europeo ha aprobado en primera lectura el texto de...
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Sobre la calidad y cantidad de las normas

Jordi Faus

El Global

La semana pasada comentábamos sobre la importancia de la calidad de las normas, algo que ya sabéis que es una especie de obsesión en Faus Moliner. Nosotros no dejamos de pensar que la capacidad de las personas y de las empresas de afrontar adversidades incluye la capacidad de adaptarse a cualquier norma que aprueben el...
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Un gran reto para los próximos 1.100 números

Jordi Faus and Claudia Gonzalo

El Global

La tribuna de esta semana es ciertamente especial: El Global cumple 1.100 números. Sin duda contribuyen a su longevidad, además del factor humano, lo apasionante del mundo del medicamento y la farmacia. Por ello esta semana nos permitirán que nos desmarquemos de la actualidad de la semana para mirar hacia el futuro. Tal vez no...
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Access to medicinal products and constitutional rights

Three new judgements, two from the Supreme Court and one from the High Court of Justice of Galicia, provide new insights on this matter

Jordi Faus, Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 251

Gutron® Case (High Court of Justice of Galicia): reimbursement of expenses and right to health protection Judgment 756/2024 of the High Court of Justice of Galicia of 7 February 2024 deals with a request for reimbursement of expenses made by a patient to the Galician Health Service (“Sergas”). The claim was for payment of the...
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Impartiality and procedural flaws in the EU

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 14 March 2023 (C-291/22)

Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 251

Background The origin of this judgment refers to the European Commission’s Implementing Decision not to grant a marketing authorisation for Hopveus®, a medicinal product intended to treat alcohol dependence. The refusal to grant marketing authorisation was based on an unfavourable opinion of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines...
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Transparency of COVID-19 vaccines price  

Judgment of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the National High Court of 22 December 2023

Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 251

Background The origin of this judgment dates to the request for access to public information regarding the price of the Covid-19 vaccines, the number of doses purchased, and copies of the contracts signed with the supplying pharmaceutical companies. The Ministry of Health granted partial access to the overall data on the number of doses purchased...
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El EEDS después del acuerdo político, ¿y ahora qué?

Claudia Gonzalo

El Global

El pasado 15 de marzo el Parlamento Europeo y el Consejo llegaron a un acuerdo sobre el Espacio Europeo de Datos Sanitarios (EEDS). La fase final de las negociaciones requirió un esfuerzo ímprobo por parte del legislador para alcanzar un compromiso en aspectos tales como qué posibilidades tendrán los ciudadanos de no compartir sus datos...
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