Procurement of COVID-19 medicinal products outside public procurement rules

Royal Decree-Law 3/2022, of 1 March, published in the Official State Gazette of 2 March 2022

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Especial

Background On 2 March 2022, Royal Decree-Law 3/2022 on measures to enhance sustainability in road freight transport and on the functioning of the logistics chain was published in the Official Journal. This legal instrument includes an interesting Additional Provision on medicinal products against COVID-19. According to this Additional Provision, certain medicinal products may be supplied...
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Faus & Moliner participates in the “Chambers Global Practices Guides – Pharmaceutical Advertising 2022″

Jordi Faus, Laura Márques y Verónica Carías write the chapter about Law and Practice in Spain

Jordi Faus, Verónica Carías, Laura Marquès, Joan Carles Bailach and Anna Gerboles


The ‘Law & Practice’ section provides easily accessible information on navigating the legal system when conducting business in the jurisdiction. Leading lawyers explain local law and practice at key transactional stages and for crucial aspects of doing business. The “Trends and Developments” section analizes the latest trends and developments in connection with pharmaceutical advertising in...
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Investigación “Made in Spain”

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

Hace pocos días el Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado el anteproyecto de ley por el que se modifica la Ley 14/2011, de la Ciencia, la Tecnología y la Innovación. De una primera lectura de esta propuesta, que ahora iniciará su tramitación parlamentaria como proyecto de ley, extraigo algunas reflexiones que creo oportuno destacar. En primer...
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Fabricación y suministro de proximidad

Jordi Faus

El Global

La Comisión Europea acaba de publicar su Informe sobre las respuestas recibidas en la fase de consulta sobre la revisión de la legislación farmacéutica europea. Se recibieron casi 500 contribuciones, y los temas que se han identificado como críticos son diversos, destacando la simplificación del sistema regulatorio, el acceso a los medicamentos, el papel de...
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Are orphan drugs subject to reference pricing?

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 3 February 2022

Lluís Alcover

Capsulas Nº 224

Background On 3 March 2020, a Resolution of the Council of Ministers excluded orphan medicinal products from the reference price system under two conditions: that no “therapeutic alternative” exists or, otherwise, that the relevant orphan medicinal product provides a “significant clinical benefit”. According to this Resolution, the Permanent Pharmacy Commission (PPC) is the body in...
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When does an enforceable agreement exist?

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 23 December 2021

Verónica Carías

Capsulas Nº 224

In the pharmaceutical sector, it is common for companies to agree and sign preliminary documents containing all or some of the provisions of future contracts (e.g., term-sheets, letters of intent, memoranda of understanding, etc.) prior to executing the final agreements (e.g., licensing and supply, manufacturing, co-development, co-marketing or co-promotion agreements, etc.). Given that there is...
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Construction of the principle of mutual recognition in the marketing of food supplements

Judgment of the National High Court of 22 November 2021

Anna Gerboles

Capsulas Nº 224

Background This judgement was published on 26 January. It resolves an appeal lodged against a decision of the Spanish Medicines Agency (AEMPS) that declared, in June 2019, that a product being marketed as a food supplement in Spain should be classified as a medicinal product. The appellant relied on the principle of mutual recognition. The...
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Jordi Faus appointed Secretary of the International Bar Association (IBA)’s Healthcare & Science Committee

Our founding partner, Jordi Faus, has been appointed Secretary of the International Bar Association (IBA)’s Healthcare & Life Sciences Law Committee

The Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee is a fast-growing committee with a dynamic and diverse membership across the world, which provides a forum of discussion among health and life Science lawyers. It aims to provide regular updates of important changes in all aspects of healthcare law, pharmaceutical, biotech and medical devices regulatory law, intellectual...
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Lecciones del Covid

Lluís Alcover

El Global

“For me, it is crystal clear – we need to build a stronger European Health Union”. Este fue el mensaje de Ursula von der Leyen, Presidenta de la Comisión, en su discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión de 2020. Es necesario extraer lecciones de la actual crisis y construir una Unión Europea de la...
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Huérfanos protegidos

Jordi Faus

El Global

La sentencia de la Audiencia Nacional de 2 de diciembre es conocida. Incluir los medicamentos huérfanos en los conjuntos de referencia impide que estos productos se beneficien de los incentivos previstos en el Reglamento (UE) 141/2000 para fomentar su investigación, desarrollo y comercialización. Por tanto, la normal legal española que podría obligar a incluirlos en...
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