Advertising of medicinal products on social media

Order of the Court of Appeals of Madrid of 1 October 2021

Anna Gerboles

Capsulas Nº 223

Update of the advertising Bulletin On 30 December 2021, the Government of Catalonia updated its Bulletin on advertising of medicinal products on social media. This update expressly foresees the possibility of companies conveying scientific content via social media. At the same time, it recommends restricting the access to the public, by using the available tools,...
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When is a MA deemed transferred in the context of license and supply agreements of medicinal products?

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 7 December 2021

Verónica Carías

Capsulas Nº 223

Background Two companies entered into a license and supply agreement of medicinal products. Under such agreement, the licensor granted a licence to use certain documentation to obtain a marketing authorisation (MA) in Spain and other territories to the licensee. In consideration for the granting of such rights, the licensee undertook to pay a down payment...
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Compliance, internal whistleblowing channels and management of personal data

Consultation with the Spanish Data Protection Agency of 22 November 2021

Eduard Rodellar

Capsulas Nº 223

Internal whistleblowing channels are playing an increasingly significant role in the area of compliance. Since 2010, the Criminal Code (article 31 bis) provides that legal persons may be exempted from liability (or, where appropriate, their liability may be mitigated) for certain offences committed by their directors, managers or employees, if they have adopted and effectively...
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Use of the reputation of a medicinal product in the advertisement of a food supplement

Order of the Court of Appeals of Madrid of 1 October 2021

Juan Martínez

Capsulas Nº 223

Background In the context of a dispute between  Exeltis and Italfarmaco regarding the dissemination of promotional materials by Italfarmaco of food supplement Oniria®, Exeltis requested a preliminary injunction prohibiting the dissemination of the materials and ordering their withdrawal. The Commercial Court granted the injunction and Italfarmaco appealed this decision. The decision of the Court of...
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Ensayos clínicos en la UE: better together

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

Este año 2022 que recién empezamos se inicia con muy importantes novedades en el ámbito de los ensayos clínicos con medicamentos. Como estaba previsto, este próximo 31 de enero entrarán en funcionamiento el portal del Sistema de Información de Ensayos Clínicos (“CTIS”, por sus siglas en inglés) y la base de datos de ensayos de...
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Orphan medicinal products should not be subject to reference pricing

Judgment of the National High Court of 2 December 2021

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Especial

Background This judgment, which is of utmost importance, was issued following an appeal lodged by Farmaindustria against the 2019 Reference Price Order. Farmaindustria argued that the price reduction resulting from the inclusion of orphan medicinal products in the reference price system prevents such products from benefiting from the incentives set out in Regulation 141/2000. Such...
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Novedades en relación con la transparencia del precio de los medicamentos

Joan Carles Bailach, Jordi Faus


The purpose of this article is to provide some analysis on the latest developments in the area of price transparency of medicines for human use. This article analyses a report issued by the Ministry of Health that defends maintaining a certain degree of confidentiality in the price of medicines, as well as the European Commission’s...
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Dispensing vs. delivery of medicines

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 2 November 2021

Santiago Tomas

Capsulas Nº 222

Our CAPSULES of 23 June reported on the admission of a cassation appeal that granted the Supreme Court the opportunity to interpret the terms “dispensing” and “delivery” of medicines, which are hugely relevant to new business models and emerging platforms. The Judgment of 2 November 2021 resolves the appeal and offers interesting arguments as to...
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When is an administrative decision deemed notified?

Judgement of the Supreme Court of 10 November 2021

Oriol Cases

Capsulas Nº 222

Background This case is about whether the beneficiary of a subsidy must return the subsidy to the Administration that granted it or not. The Administration considered that the subsidy must be returned because the beneficiary had not complied with its terms. The matter was brought before the Spanish Audiencia Nacional which ruled that the beneficiary...
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Further clarity on the term of the statute of limitations for agency fees

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 23 November 2021

Juan Martínez, Lluís Alcover

Capsulas Nº 222

Background In the case of agency contracts, the agent promotes commercial transactions on behalf of the principal in exchange for a commission. Unless a more beneficial contractual provision for the agent exists, the commission accrues upon execution of the commercial transaction promoted by the agent (art. 14 of Law 12/1992). Payment must be made before...
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