Amendments to the Law of Unfair Competition: greater control of the online marketplace

Royal Decree-Law 24/2021 qualifies new practices in the area of imitations, searches and online reviews as unfair

Anna Gerboles

Capsulas Nº 222

Background Royal Decree-Law 24/2021, of 2 November, transposed several European directives into Spanish law, with a particular impact on consumer and commercial practices. This regulation makes various amendments to our legislation, including to the Retail Trade Law and the General Consumer and User Protection Act. In this article, we highlight the amendments made to Law...
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Más medios para una mejor transparencia

Joan Carles Bailach

El Global

El Consejo de Transparencia y Buen Gobierno (CTBG) publicó, el pasado 30 de noviembre, su Plan Estratégico 2022-2025 donde se detallan, entre otras, sus principales líneas, objetivos y ejes de actuación para los próximos 4 años. Entre los objetivos estratégicos fijados destacan los siguientes: por un lado, adecuar y mejorar los recursos económicos y la estructura del CTBG a sus competencias y funciones;...
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PSPs: luz al final del túnel

Lluís Alcover

El Global

Los programas de soporte a pacientes (PSPs), entendidos de manera amplia como cualquier programa que persigue atender necesidades de los pacientes y dotarles de herramientas que les permitan entender mejor su patología y/o su tratamiento así como mejorar sus resultados en salud, son una práctica cada vez más extendida en España.  El cambio de paradigma...
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The European Council approves the final version of the Regulation on Health Technology Assessment

European assessment processes will be created to support budgetary decision-marking in healthcare

Anna Gerboles

Capsulas Nº 221

Background and scope On 9 November, the European Council gave its final go-ahead to the proposal for a Regulation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA), which the European Commission presented in January 2018 and was particularly promoted during the Portuguese Presidency in the first semester of 2021. The Regulation still needs to be adopted by the...
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How the reference price system may apply for products with the same active ingredient but different potency

Judgement of the Supreme Court of 27 October 2021

Lluís Alcover

Capsulas Nº 221

Background We are approaching the 25th anniversary of the reference pricing system (RPS), which was first introduced in Spain by Law no. 13/1996. Hindsight allows us to draw one conclusion, among others: while the RPS has proved to be a useful tool to control pharmaceutical expenditure and ensure sustainability of the public healthcare system, applying...
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Any unsuccessful tenderer can access documents related to the performance of a public contract

The judgment of the Spanish National High Court of 1 October 2021 contends that the way in which a contract is performed affects public interest

Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 221

Background The judgment under analysis derives from Resolution no. 122/2019, of 25 March, of the Council of Transparency and Good Governance (CTBG, according to its Spanish acronym). A company that submitted a bid in the context of a public tender and was not awarded the contract requested the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to...
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No time limit applies to appeals against de facto material actions or administrative inactivity

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 1 October 2021

José Vida

Capsulas Nº 221

Appeals against de facto material actions Appeals against material actions of the Public Administration without any legal basis, also known as de facto material actions, illustrate how the classical view of administrative courts as mere reviewers of administrative acts may be overcome. Two alternatives arise in the case of a de facto material action (articles...
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Four lawyers of Faus & Moliner appear in the Best Lawyers Guide 2022 in Spain

Jordi Faus, Xavier Moliner, Eduard Rodellar y Verónica Carias recognized in the guide The Best Lawyers in Spain

The legal guide The Best Lawyers in Spain has recently launched its edition for the year 2022, in which, on the basis of nominations by professional collegues, made through the website of Best Lawyers, the main lawyers and firms are identified and classified according with the practice areas and the geographic region. The process begins...
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La regulación autonómica de la visita médica: un terreno movedizo

Anna Gerboles

El Global

El pasado jueves se publicó en el BOPV la resolución del Director de Régimen Jurídico, Económico y Servicios Generales del Departamento de Salud del País Vasco relativa a la publicación de la famosa Sentencia del TSJ de esta comunidad, de 30 de junio de 2021, que anulaba varios artículos de la Orden vasca sobre la...
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Preguntas y respuestas

Jordi Faus

El Global

En las democracias parlamentarias, los diputados y senadores tienen la potestad de formular preguntas al gobierno. Se supone que esto forma parte de los mecanismos de control del gobierno. Digo “se supone” porque francamente, en muchas ocasiones, las preguntas parlamentarias dejan mucho que desear. Por otro lado, ¿qué se puede decir de las respuestas? Seguramente,...
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