Faus & Moliner, the best Life Sciences Law Firm at the Sixth Edition of the Awards granted by Expansión Jurídico 2021

The award ceremony was held at Complejo Duques de Pastrana in Madrid

Faus & Moliner has been recognized for the third consecutive year as the best Law Firm in Life Sciences in Spain at the Sixth Edition of the Awards granted by Expansión Jurídico. The objective of this award is to recognize the work of lawyers and law firms that have made a remarkable contribution to the...
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Del “Just-in-time” al “Just-in-case”

El Global

El pasado mes de marzo, la Comisión lanzó la iniciativa de revisión de la legislación farmacéutica europea, dado a cualquier interesado la oportunidad de presentar aportaciones al documento “Combined evaluation roadmap/inception impact assessment). Se recibieron 173 comentarios, incluido el que formulamos desde Faus & Moliner. Todos ellos pueden consultarse en la página web de la...
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Delimitando la venta online de medicamentos

Santiago Tomas

El Global

La Audiencia Nacional dictó una sentencia el pasado 6 de julio de 2021 que despertó mi curiosidad por lo impactantes que eran los hechos que relataba. La sentencia nos sitúa ante un caso en el que una fundación, establecida fuera de la UE, ofrecía a través de su página web servicios de información sobre tratamientos...
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Advertising of authorised medicinal products

Judgement of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country of 30 June 2021

Jordi Faus, Santiago Tomas

Capsulas Nº 219

Background This judgement is well-known. Farmaindustria filed an appeal against an Order governing medical visits in the Basque Country. The appeal was filed because, inter alia, Farmaindustria considered that the Order did not allow the advertising of authorized medicinal products for which a national price and reimbursement decision was pending. The Judgement concludes that neither...
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Precautionary measures regarding access to unauthorized medicinal products

Orders of the Contentious Administrative Court I of Castellon de la Plana of 10, 13 and 27 August 2021

Lluís Alcover

Capsulas Nº 219

Background In August 2021, following a request from the relatives of a patient in serious condition for Covid-19, a Spanish Court adopted precautionary measures forcing the application of an unauthorized ozone therapy in a public hospital. Whatever one’s views about such type of treatment, these Court orders are relevant to the extent they deal with...
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Online sale of medicinal products, it is possible to learn from the obvious

Judgment of the National High Court of 6 July 2021 and the concept of online sale

Santiago Tomas

Capsulas Nº 219

Introduction This Judgement is surprising due to the striking nature of the facts. A foundation located outside the EU was offering (via its website) information on treatments for the voluntary termination of pregnancy, as well as the provision of the medicines needed for such purpose, upon payment of a certain amount in concept of “donation”....
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Competition, public procurement, and easier complaints

Resolution of the CNMC of 17 of August of 2021

Laura Marquès

Capsulas Nº 219

The promotion of competition in public procurement has become one of the main investigation focuses of the Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC). Between 2015 and 2019, as per the 2019 CNMC Guide on the benefits of competition for consumers, approximately 50% of the sanctions imposed by the CNMC were related to the dismantling of cartels in...
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Complementos alimenticios: un marco normativo que mejorar

Anna Gerboles

El Global

En los últimos años el mercado de los complementos alimenticios ha experimentado una creciente demanda y, con ello, se ha venido produciendo un aumento de las infracciones en materia de publicidad y etiquetado de estos productos. A mi juicio esto se debe, en buena medida, a un más laxo sistema de vigilancia de los complementos...
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Ofertas a hospitales ante la aparición de genéricos o biosimilares y la definición de mercado relevante. Resolución de la CNMC en el asunto Abbvie-Amgen

Jordi Faus, Laura Marquès


On April 20, 2021, the Spanish Competition Authority decided to take no further action against a complaint filed by Amgen against Abbvie for an alleged abuse of a dominant position contrary to articles 2 of the Spanish Law on Competition and 102 of the TFEU. The alleged abusive practice consisted in the implementation of a...
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Sobre la promoción de medicamentos autorizados

Jordi Faus

El Global

En Euskadi, en febrero de 2020, el Departamento de Salud emitió una Orden regulando la actividad de los delegados de la industria farmacéutica. Se trataba de una norma de aplicación general, no vinculada al Covid-19 (faltaban cinco semanas para la declaración del estado de alarma). Bueno, el caso es que la Orden señalaba que los...
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