Global Legal Insights to: Pricing & Reimbursement 2020

Jordi Faus, Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach

Global Legal Group

The third edition of Pricing & Reimbursement has been recently published and just like last year Jordi Faus, with the collaboration of Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach, has been in charge of the chapter dedicated to pricing and reimbursement in Spain. GLI Pricing & Reimbursement includes the following sections for each of the 22...
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Rebus sic stantibus

Draft law on procedural and organizational measures to confront the COVID-19 in the Administration of Justice

Xavier Moliner, Juan Martínez

Capsulas Nº 210

Due to the Covid-19 unprecedented crisis, many news and articles about the rebus sic stantibus clause have been published. Parliamentary groups at the Spanish Congress have also announced proposals regarding this institution. In this context, we provide below some comments about the current legal framework of this figure and the new proposals to regulate it....
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Processing applications for access to documents

Resolutions 047/2020 and 137/2020 of the Council of Transparency and Good Governance (CTBG)

Joan Carles Bailach, Eduard Rodellar

Capsulas Nº 210

Law 19/2013 on transparency, access to public information and good governance states on its statement of purpose that top-tier countries in terms of transparency have stronger institutions which facilitate economic growth and social development; and that citizens of such countries are in a much better position to judge the performance of public authorities. This high...
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Spain is a reliable place for arbitration

Judgment of the Constitutional Court of 15 June 2020

Xavier Moliner, Juan Martínez

Capsulas Nº 210

Background This Judgment resolves a constitutional appeal against the annulment by the High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) of an arbitration award on the basis that such award was contrary to “public order” (the appellant had claimed that the arbitration court lacked the required neutrality). The TSJM took this decision despite the fact that...
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Rebus sic stantibus

Draft law on procedural and organizational measures to confront the COVID-19 in the Administration of Justice

Xavier Moliner, Juan Martínez

Capsulas Nº 210

Due to the Covid-19 unprecedented crisis, many news and articles about the rebus sic stantibus clause have been published. Parliamentary groups at the Spanish Congress have also announced proposals regarding this institution. In this context, we provide below some comments about the current legal framework of this figure and the new proposals to regulate it....
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Processing applications for access to documents

Resolutions 047/2020 and 137/2020 of the Council of Transparency and Good Governance (CTBG)

Joan Carles Bailach, Eduard Rodellar

Capsulas Nº 210

Law 19/2013 on transparency, access to public information and good governance states on its statement of purpose that top-tier countries in terms of transparency have stronger institutions which facilitate economic growth and social development; and that citizens of such countries are in a much better position to judge the performance of public authorities. This high...
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Spain is a reliable place for arbitration

Judgement of the Constitutional Court of 15 June 2020

Xavier Moliner, Juan Martínez

Capsulas Nº 210

Background This Judgment resolves a constitutional appeal against the annulment by the High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) of an arbitration award on the basis that such award was contrary to “public order” (the appellant had claimed that the arbitration court lacked the required neutrality). The TSJM took this decision despite the fact that...
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Formación continuada: una propuesta muy preocupante

Jordi Faus

El Global

El capítulo de Sanidad y Salud Pública del Dictamen de la Comisión para la reconstrucción social y económica contiene diversas conclusiones que merecen un comentario. La número 7.2. una propuesta de resolución que aboga por “tomar medidas para financiación pública de formación continuada de los profesionales sanitarios a cargo de las administraciones públicas, y para...
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Transparencia sí, pero con garantías y medios

Joan Carles Bailach

El Global

El preámbulo de la Ley 19/2013, de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Buen Gobierno, dispone que “los países con mayores niveles en materia de transparencia cuentan con instituciones más fuertes, que favorecen el crecimiento económico y el desarrollo social” (…) y que “en estos países, los ciudadanos pueden juzgar mejor y con más criterio...
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Todos tenemos que arrimar el hombro

Xavier Moliner

El Global

El lunes 6 de julio se publicó en el BOE el Real Decreto-Ley 25/2020, de medidas urgentes para apoyar la reactivación económica y el empleo. Entre las muchas medidas adoptadas por el Gobierno, queremos destacar aquí las contenidas en la Disposición Adicional 5ª a favor de reforzar los mecanismos de colaboración público-privada. La Disposición Adicional...
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