Competition Law and Covid-19

Joint statement by the European Competition Network (ECN) on application of competition law during the Covid-19 crisis

Jordi Faus, Lluís Alcover

Capsulas Special Issue

Background Covid-19 has caused and unprecedented health and economic crisis in Europe to which member states have reacted with exceptional measures aimed to preserve public health and to avoid the expansion of the virus. In this context, the ECN has published a Joint Statement on the application of competition law during this crisis. The Spanish...
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El valor de la innovación farmacéutica

Juan Suárez

El Global

En estos días que nos ha tocado vivir, en los que estamos pasando por momentos ciertamente complicados y plenos de incertidumbre, conviene fijarse especialmente en los aspectos positivos. Como siempre ha ocurrido en momentos de crisis, las dificultades están sacando a la luz lo mejor de nosotros mismos. Es admirable la ejemplaridad con la que...
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The government approves to relax public procurement and corporate governance rules in view of Covid-19

Jordi Faus, Xavier Moliner, Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Special Issue

In our last special CAPSULAS we briefly explained the measures adopted in Spain in order to face the unprecedented situation created by Covid-19 and which  had impact  on   companies  operating in  the “life-sciences” sector.  Last Tuesday 17 March, late in the evening, the Official Journal published Royal Decree Law 8/2020 through which the government approved...
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Faus & Moliner participates in the “Chambers Global Practices Guides – Pharmaceutical Advertising 2020″

Jordi Faus, Juan Suárez and Verónica Carías write the chapter about Law and Practice in Spain

Jordi Faus, Juan Suárez and Verónica Carías


The ‘Law & Practice’ sections provide easily accessible information on navigating the legal system when conducting business in the jurisdiction. Leading lawyers explain local law and practice at key transactional stages and for crucial aspects of doing business.

Medical devices and legal certainty

Translation of article published on 16 March 2020 at El Global, a weekly newspaper specialising in pharma and life sciences.

Jordi Faus

El Global

On May 26th we will probably have overcome the coronavirus crisis already, but my article today is not about this. It is about the new Regulation 2017/745 on medical devices, which will enter into force on that day. According to its Preamble, the Regulation aims to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market in...
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Spanish Government declares State of Emergency. How does this affect companies in the life sciences sector?

Jordi Faus, Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Special Issue

Legal texts adopted so far Last Thursday 12 March, the Spanish Government adopted a first set of measures to respond to the situation created by Covid-19. These were contained in Royal Decree-Law 7/2020. On Saturday 14 March, the Government declared the State of Emergency and adopted Royal Decree 463/2020 with additional measures restricting the activities...
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Volvemos a las andadas con los contratos menores

Xavier Moliner

El Global

Con la reciente promulgación del Real Decreto-ley 3/2020 se ha bajado nuevamente el listón para hacer efectivo el control de los fraccionamientos de los contratos públicos que persiguen eludir la aplicación de los umbrales económicos que, superados, exigen la tramitación de un expediente de contratación pública cumpliendo con los requisitos de publicidad y transparencia. El...
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Sanciones a directivos por conductas anticompetitivas

Lluís Alcover

El Global

¿ Es Ud. directivo o representante legal de una compañía o asociación? En caso afirmativo, es probable que le resulte de interés la reciente jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo que perfila los casos en que la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) puede imponerle una sanción (de hasta 60.000 €) a título personal...
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Nitrosamines, storms and climate change, coronavirus… What do the law and the courts say on force majeure?

Xavier Moliner, Jordi Faus and Juan Martínez


It’s happening… In recent times we live surrounded by many extraordinary events which have a very significant impact in our lives and in the activity of companies. In 2019, the crisis of nitrosamines led the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to adopt measures to avoid the presence...
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The Supreme Court confirms when executives can be sanctioned for the anticompetitive behavior of their companies

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 28 January 2020

Jordi Faus, Lluís Alcover


Background Article 63.2 of the Spanish Law on Defence of Competition (LDC) allows the Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC) to impose fines up to 60,000 Eur to legal representatives and executives who participate in agreements or decisions adopted by the companies or associations they represent in breach of the LDC. During the last twelve months, the...
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