The direct action of the operating carrier against the companies preceding it in the subcontracting chain

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 6 May 2019

Lluís Alcover

Capsulas Nº 202

Background On 24 November 2017, the Supreme Court ruled for the first time on how to interpret the direct action foreseen in Spanish Law 9/2013 that any operating carrier has against all companies preceding it in the subcontracting chain (that is, the company initially hiring the transport services and, when applicable, intermediate carriers). At that...
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Transparencia y seguridad jurídica

Juan Suárez

El Global

Últimamente se ha venido levantado cierto revuelo en torno a la consulta que ha formulado el CGCOF a la Aemps, en torno a la legalidad del uso de la aplicación WhatsApp por parte de las oficinas de farmacia como herramienta para la venta a distancia, a través de procedimientos telemáticos, de los medicamentos que no...
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Faus & Moliner, recognized as the best Life Sciences Law Firm at the Fourth Edition of the Awards granted by Expansión Jurídico

The award ceremony was held on 27 June during a dinner at Complejo Duques de Pastrana

Faus & Moliner has been recognized as the best Law Firm in life sciences in Spain at the Fourth Edition of the Awards granted by Expansión Jurídico, an award that recognizes the work for providing legal advice to companies and entities that operate in the healthcare sector. The finalists in this category were Baker McKenzie,...
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Faus & Moliner participates at the 110th Lunch Talk of the Global Competition Law Centre of the College of Europe

Jordi Faus delivers a presentation on the definition of the relevant product market in pharma competition law dossiers in light of the Servier case

The 110th launch talk of the Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC) of the College of Europe was held in Brussels on 27 June. Jordi Faus was invited to talk about the definition of relevant product market in pharma competition law dossiers, a hot topic after the General Court decided to revoke the part of the...
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Compra pública innovadora

Xavier Moliner

El Global

La compra pública innovadora está cogiendo fuerza entre las distintas administraciones públicas sanitarias como medio para contratar la gestión de servicios de la salud. A modo de ejemplo, Cataluña ha destinado 30 millones para financiar proyectos innovadores de salud con los que dar soluciones a los nuevos retos de gestión sanitaria que plantean los cambios...
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La gran cita del derecho farmacéutico

Juan Suárez

El Global

La última semana de mayo fue la elegida para celebrar una de las grandes citas de los que nos dedicamos al derecho farmacéutico. Me refiero al XVI Curso de Derecho Farmacéutico que tuvo lugar en Madrid los días 28 y 29 de mayo organizado por la Fundación CEFI. La calidad de los ponentes y la...
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Evolución de los canales de denuncias de compliance

Francisco Aránega

El Global

La evolución normativa habida en los últimos años en el entorno del compliance se ha traducido en que cada vez esté más extendido el convencimiento entre nuestras compañías de la necesidad de contar con un sistema de compliance adecuado. Aun así, parece que esa evolución no se detiene y en la actualidad se está tramitando...
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International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability 2019: Chapter 25 – Spain

A practical cross-border insight into product liability work

Xavier Moliner


Recently the 2019 issue of The International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability was published. This Guide offers a practical insight into product liability issues across the world, and includes both general articles on novelties in the field of product liability and country specific Q&A chapters. This year Xavier Moliner has been once more in...
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Jordi Faus participates at the XVI Course on Pharmaceutical Law organized by CEFI

Jordi Faus makes a presentation on the regulatory uncertainties between marketing authorization and reimbursement decisions

In the last years, the Course on Pharmaceutical Law organized by Fundación CEFI has become a reference forum for the legal analysis of issues that affect the life of a medicinal product. At the first session held on 28 May, Faus & Moliner participated with a presentation by Jordi Faus. Jordi Faus participated at the...
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