Resueltas algunas dudas acerca de los contratos menores

Xavier Moliner

El Global

El mes de marzo se publicó en el BOE la Instrucción 1/2019 de la Oficina Independiente de Regulación y Supervisión de la Contratación que pretende clarificar aspectos confusos del nuevo régimen del contrato menor tras la entrada en vigor de la LCSP. Uno de los aspectos más problemáticos del nuevo régimen del contrato menor reside...
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Faus & Moliner continues to lead the pharmaceutical law in Spain

Jordi Faus, the best lawyer for pharmaceutical law in Spain according to the Chambers & Partners Guide 2019

Chambers and Partners has published the 2019 edition of the Chambers Europe Guide, in which, based on opinions of clients and other lawyers, the leading lawyers and law firms in Europe are identified and classified and Faus & Moliner appears once again as the leading law firm in pharmaceutical law in Spain. Those consulted by...
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Pregabalin continues to generate debate about indirect patent infringements and the conduct of regulatory agencies

Judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of 14 February 2019, Staat der Nederlanden v Warner-Lambert Company LLC, Case C-423/17

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 200

How to avoid indirect infringements In 2016, the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Barcelona about pregabalin was a major milestone in the doctrine of indirect patent infringement and its connection with the regulatory environment. Both Pfizer and the Court of Appeal understood that generic medicinal products that did not include pain treatment as...
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New crimes for which a company may be liable in Spain

Law 1/2019, of 20 February, amending Law 10/1995, on the Criminal Code, transposing several Directives of the European Union

Eduard Rodellar

Capsulas Nº 200

The amendment of the Spanish Criminal Code that we are referring to in this article entered into force on 13 March 2019 and has several implications for entities that operate in Spain. First, it increases the number of conducts that may be considered as a crime as well as the number of cases in which...
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Some tips in case of dawn raid by the Spanish Competition Authority

Judgements of the Supreme Court of 25 and 26 February 2019 regarding the “incidental finding” doctrine

Laura Marquès

Capsulas Nº 200

“Incidental finding” doctrine During dawn raids, the Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC) is entitled to investigate any document that is related to the object and purpose of the investigation. However, what happens if during a dawn raid the CNMC finds evidence regarding a potential anti-competitive practice different from the one that is being investigated? Is the...
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Which means are appropriate to send an out-of-court complaint: certified mail, certified fax or some other?

Judgement of the Supreme Court, Civil Chamber, of 5 February 2019

Verónica Carías

Capsulas Nº 200

Background Year after year since 2011, a real estate owner had been sending letters to the person in possession of such real estate, complaining about certain damages that the properties had suffered. The letters were sent by certified mail or certified fax, which are both services offered by Correos (Spanish public mailing service). The intention...
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El compliance penal no se detiene

Francisco Aránega

El Global

El pasado 13 de marzo entro en vigor una modificación del Código Penal que establece novedades importantes en el ámbito de la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas. Sin ánimo de ser exhaustivo en esta columna, la reforma, además de contemplar un nuevo delito para las personas jurídicas, establece importantes modificaciones en el alcance, contenido,...
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Mucho por hacer aún en materia de transparencia

Juan Suárez

El Global

La aprobación de la Ley 19/2013 de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Buen Gobierno constituyó un auténtico cambio en la relación entre los poderes públicos y los administrados, al poner coto a una situación inaceptable desde todo punto de vista en un Estado de Derecho moderno, cual era la subordinación de los administrados...
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Se impone la colaboración ante prácticas anticompetitivas

Xavier Moliner

El Global

Hacer frente a las prácticas anticompetitivas es una finalidad cada vez más frecuente en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. La nueva LCSP no quiso quedarse atrás e incorporó una serie de medidas específicas para salvaguardar la libre competencia. Ya no son meras declaraciones de principios rectores de la contratación sino medidas específicas que persiguen fomentar la colaboración...
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