News on food products intended for specific groups of the population

Royal Decree 1412/2018 regulating the communication procedure of placing food products intended for certain population groups on the Spanish market

Juan Suárez

Capsulas Nº 198

Background Since the mid-seventies, food products intended for dietary purposes and/or for particular nutritional uses have been regulated in Spain by Royal Decree 2685/1976. By means of such Royal Decree, the technical-healthcare regulations applicable to these products were approved. Thereafter, several modifications and further regulations on this matter have taken place. The considerable period of...
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La excepción hace la regla: el camino a la contratación totalmente electrónica

Xavier Moliner

El Global

En diciembre explicaba las dificultades que está teniendo la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en los procesos de contratación pública, donde tanto las notificaciones y comunicaciones como la presentación de las ofertas y las solicitudes de participación deben practicarse por medios electrónicos. Tras la entrada en vigor de la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público (LCSP)...
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Qué hacer si llega un oficio justo antes de vacaciones

Jordi Faus

El Global

Seguramente nos sucede a todos los que queremos ser cuidadosos y responsables en nuestro trabajo. Cuando se aproximan las vacaciones de Navidad, Semana Santa o verano, queremos irnos con la mesa lo más despejada posible. Me parece que debe tener algo que ver con nuestro propio anhelo de sosiego. En algunos ámbitos, como el judicial...
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Por una normativa adecuada sobre financiación de productos sanitarios

Francisco Aránega

El Global

Unas semanas antes de terminar el año 2018, la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y de la Competencia (CNMC) emitió un informe sobre el proyecto de Real Decreto de financiación de productos sanitarios para pacientes no hospitalizados que está siendo tramitado por el Ministerio de Sanidad. Tal y como se indica en el propio proyecto,...
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The Spanish Competition Authority encourages more competition in the medical devices market

Report IPN/CNMC/025/18 issued by the Spanish Competition Authority on the draft of Royal Decree of reimbursement and prices of medical devices

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 197

Introduction When the Ministry of Health started working on this Royal Degree, it agreed to request the Spanish Competition Authority to issue a report about it. The Spanish Competition Authority is usually grateful about this sort of requests, because they allow its participation aiming both to improve the functioning of the markets concerned and to...
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The importance of defining the relevant product market

Judgement of the General Court of the European Union of 12 of December of 2018, Case T-691/14 Servier and Others v European Commission

Laura Marquès

Capsulas Nº 197

Introduction The General Court of the European Union partially annuls the Decision of the European Commission (EC) of 9 of July of 2014, which sanctioned Servier and certain generic companies for entering into agreements that restricted competition and which also sanctioned Servier for abusing its dominant position. According to these agreements, the generic companies agreed...
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New Spanish Data Protection Law: the latest features on the processing of personal and health data

Law 3/2018, on Data Protection and Digital Rights, complementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), comes into force.

Eduard Rodellar

Capsulas Nº 197

Information and consent Law 3/2018 simplifies the duty of the data controller to provide information to the data subject as regards his/her personal data. The controller is no longer required to provide at first instance all the information set forth in the GDPR. According to this Law, the controller can provide the data subject with...
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An arbitral award cannot be annulled in the enforcement proceeding of such award

Decision of the Court of Appeals of Barcelona, of 19 December 2018

Juan Martínez

Capsulas Nº197

Introduction The efficacy of arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism is based, inter alia, on the fact that arbitral awards are binding on the parties. In this regard, one can compare an arbitral award to a court judgement. From the moment in which such award is final, the parties must comply with it. In...
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El blockchain ha venido para quedarse

Xavier Moliner

El Global

La incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en la Administración Pública suele ser un proceso complicado y lento. Veamos sino como está costando incorporar a las distintas fases de los procedimientos de contratación el uso de los medios electrónicos. Un ejemplo de las dificultades para introducirlos en los procesos de contratación es que tras la entrada en...
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