Speaking of the controversial positioning of the Spanish Medicines Agency on the substitution of medicinal products in hospitals

European positioning regarding the substitution of biosimilar medicinal products

Juan Suárez

Capsulas Nº 195

Background The recent modification introduced by the Spanish Medicines Agency on its website about “non-substitutable medicinal products” has been a much debated and very controversial issue in Spain. Contrary to its traditional positioning, the Spanish Medicines Agency now states on its website that the Order of September 2008, defining those medicinal products which cannot be...
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180º turn: errors by the winner of a tender when submitting formal documents may now be remedied

Resolution 747/2018 of the Central Public Tender Court of 31 July 2018

Xavier Moliner, Mercè Maresma

Capsulas Nº 195

Background In this Resolution, the Central Public Procurement Court (“Court”) ruled on an appeal against the award of a tender to a temporary consortium of companies. The consortium, having classified as the best offer in the tender, was required to submit certain documentation within a period of 10 days counted from the request of the...
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The possibility of bringing unfair competition cases to the Spanish Competition Authority

Judgement of the Supreme Court, of 28 September 2018 and of 1 October 2018

Laura Marquès, Juan Martínez


Introduction One of the issues that often arises in the pharmaceutical sector is how to attack the actions of competitors when they are contrary to sector-specific regulations. These Judgements remind us of an alternative legal channel provided by the Spanish legal system -besides the judicial one- that may sometimes go unnoticed. We refer to the...
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Useless products…For how long can the recipient of the goods claim against the supplier?

Judgment of the Supreme Court, Civil Chamber, of 3 October 2018

Lluís Alcover


Reception of goods In the context of a supply relationship, the goods delivered by a supplier (either raw materials to be incorporated into a manufacturing process, or finished products to be distributed to other distributors or end customers) must comply with the agreed specifications and be useful for their agreed purpose. Otherwise, the recipient of...
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Denuncias anónimas en los sistemas de Compliance

Francisco Aránega

El Global

Uno de los elementos esenciales del sistema de compliance de una compañía es la existencia de un canal por medio del cual sus empleados puedan denunciar actuaciones llevadas a cabo por otros empleados, directivos o colaboradores de la empresa que puedan constituir violaciones de la ley o las normas internas de la compañía. No obstante,...
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Avanzamos, pero difícilmente existirán los IPT europeos

Mercè Maresma

El Global

La propuesta de Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre evaluación de las tecnologías sanitarias y por el que se modificará la Directiva 2011/24/UE de asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza sigue su camino.Tras la presentación de esta propuesta por parte de la Comisión Europea en enero de 2018, la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y...
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La transparencia en los resultados de los ensayos clínicos

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

Hace pocos días la prestigiosa revista British Medical Journal (BMJ) hacía públicos los resultados de un estudio sobre el grado de cumplimiento de la obligación de publicar los resultados de los ensayos clínicos en el Registro Europeo de Ensayos Clínicos. La normativa europea sobre ensayos clínicos (Reglamento 536/2014) establece que el promotor de un ensayo realizado en...
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No olviden registrarse

Xavier Moliner

El Global

La Ley 9/2017, de 8 de noviembre, de Contratos del Sector Público (LCSP), estableció en su artículo 159.4.a) la obligación de que todos los licitadores que se presenten a licitaciones realizadas a través del procedimiento simplificado deben estar inscritos en el Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas del Sector Público (ROLECSP) o en el...
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Substitution and selection of medicinal products in hospital pharmacies

The Spanish Medicines Agency modifies its website in connection with “non-substitutable medicinal products” stating that Order of 28 September 2008 does not apply to hospital pharmacies

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 194

The Agency’s criteria Recently, the Spanish Medicines Agency (AEMPS) has updated its website including two surprising statements on its website in connection with the “non-substitutable medicinal products”. The first statement says that the Order of 28 September 2008, establishing medicinal products that cannot be substituted by the pharmacist “is applicable to the dispensing of medicinal...
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