La unión hace la fuerza

Oriol Cases

El Global

Como se desprende de su nombre la Unión Temporal de Empresas (UTE) es una fórmula de colaboración transitoria entre empresas para un fin concreto. Si bien una UTE puede formarse con varios objetivos, el principal motivo de ser de esta figura es facilitar e incentivar el acceso a contratos públicos a empresas que, por sí...
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More requirements for conducting prospective observational studies with medicinal products at regional level

Autonomous Communities' regulations establishing additional requirements for conducting prospective observational studies in their territories

Eduard Rodellar, Pablo Mansilla

Capsulas Nº 248

On 2 January 2021, Royal Decree 957/2020 regulating observational studies with medicinal products for human use (EOMs) came into force. This regulation meant the simplification of the requirements, as well as a reduction of bureaucratic burdens, for conducting EOMs in Spain. EOMs provide essential data on the conditions of use, safety and effectiveness of medicinal...
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Ten contributions to an efficient framework for regulating the use of artificial intelligence in the medicinal product lifecycle

Contributions by Faus Moliner to the EMA’s Reflection Paper on the use of AI in the lifecycle of medicines

Claudia Gonzalo and Laia Rull

Capsulas Nº 247

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) opened for public consultation a “reflection paper” on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the development and regulation of human and veterinary medicines. Our feedback is as follows: General considerations: transparency When it comes to AI and machine learning (ML), it is essential to ensure transparency and intelligibility of...
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El renacimiento del mecenazgo

Laia Rull

El Global

Con gran suspense hasta el último momento, como si de una película de Hitchcock se tratara, finalmente el pasado miércoles se convalidó el Real Decreto-ley 6/2023, también conocido como “decreto ómnibus”. De hecho, la convalidación ha tenido lugar por un voto de diferencia, 172 a favor y 171 en contra. Así se aprueba (afortunadamente) la...
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Updates in the Patronage Law and the eternal question: are we dealing with a donation, sponsorship or collaboration?

Royal Decree-Law 6/2023 of 19 December which amends the Tax Scheme for Non-profit Organisations and Tax Incentives for Patronage Law 49/2002

Eduard Rodellar and Laia Rull

Capsulas Nº 246

Introduction Pharmaceutical sector’s collaboration is crucial for advancing and promoting clinical research, as well as other activities contributing to the benefit of the health sector and patients. This includes aspects like training, education, and the provision of healthcare services. Typically, healthcare (such as hospitals, foundations, universities and other academic bodies and scientific societies) and patient...
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Acuerdo político en el reglamento de IA: un mapa de navegación

Claudia Gonzalo

El Global

36 horas. Ese es el tiempo que estuvieron reunidos, a lo largo de tres intensos días, los representantes de las instituciones de la Unión Europea (UE) antes de conseguir alcanzar un acuerdo político sobre el futuro reglamento de Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Si bien se trata de una norma horizontal y no sectorial, algunos de los...
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The proposed revision of the European pharmaceutical legislation in detail (I): changes to the regulatory protection periods, goodbye to the one-size-fits-all model?

About regulatory protection in the revision of the pharmaceutical legislation of the EU

Claudia Gonzalo

Capsulas Nº 245

1. Introduction One of the objectives of pharmaceutical regulations is to manage the coexistence of innovative medicines and generics or biosimilars. Regulatory protection, including data and market protection periods, plays a key role in maintaining this balance. Despite having been in place for a long time, we are facing a new round in the debate...
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As patients, we have the right to obtain, free of charge, a copy of all our medical records

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 26 October 2023, C‑307/22

Eduard Rodellar

Capsulas Nº 245

A German citizen asked his dentist for a copy of his medical records free of charge. He was dissatisfied with the treatment he had received and was considering lodging a complaint. There was no agreement as to whether the patient was entitled to be provided with a copy of his medical records free of charge....
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Form and substance, recommendations, and price fixing

Judgement of the Court of Justice of 29 June 2023 in case C-211/22 Super Bock

Oriol Cases

Capsulas Nº 245

Background Super Bock, a Portuguese beer manufacturer, provided a list of the minimum resale prices to its distributors, either orally or by email. This list was generally followed by the distributors, and compliance with it was monitored and incentivised with discounts. The Portuguese Competition Authority found this conduct to be a restriction of competition by...
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La investigación clínica en Atención Primaria

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

La Atención Primaria (AP) en España es un pilar fundamental en nuestro sistema sanitario. La labor que desempeñan las y los profesionales sanitarios en este ámbito es encomiable. Como muestra, el papel que han jugado en la reciente pandemia. No es mi intención aquí entrar en el debate sobre las cuestiones que seguro necesitan mejorarse en la...
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