Real World Data o la importancia de los datos en el sector farmacéutico

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

Este pasado junio tuvo lugar en Bruselas una nueva reunión del Grupo de Expertos de la Comisión Europea en el marco del foro “STAMP” (Safe and Timely Access to Medicines for Patients). Dicho foro congrega a expertos de la Agencia Europea del Medicamento (EMA) y de diferentes agencias nacionales (HMA) de los Estados Miembros (EEMM), entre ellos España. Su...
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No todo vale

Xavier Moliner

El Global

Recientemente, el Tribunal Administrativo de Recursos Contractuales de la Junta de Andalucía (TARCJA) dictó la resolución nº 108/2018, de 10 de mayo de 2018, por la que anuló los pliegos de una licitación convocada para la adjudicación de un contrato para el suministro de medicamentos de fluidoterapia. Los pliegos en cuestión establecían como criterio de...
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The European Commission presents its proposal for SPC Manufacturing Waiver proposal limited to exports

Proposal 2018/0161 (COD) for an amendment of Regulation (EC) 469/2009 concerning the supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products

Jordi Faus


An interesting proposal The proposal of the so-called SPC Manufacturing Waiver presented by the European Commission will permit that while a Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) is in force, generics or biosimilars may be manufactured in the EU in order to be exported to countries where they can be marketed without breaching valid patents. According to...
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One more judgement against therapeutic equivalent alternatives (ATEs), this time in Andalusia

The High Court of Justice of Andalusia, in a Judgement dated 18 May 2018, embraces the doctrine of the Supreme Court that upheld an appeal prepared by Faus & Moliner

Jordi Faus, Mercè Maresma


Background In 2014, Farmaindustria filed an appeal against the Framework Agreement called by the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) for the selection of active ingredients for certain indications. Farmaindustria based among other reasons, on the idea that grouping active ingredients in the same lot, defined by therapeutic indications, violates public procurement rules. The Court of First...
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Changes on European regulations on orphan drugs

Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/781 amending Regulation (EC) 847/2000 as regards the definition of the term “similar medicinal product”

Lluís Alcover


Introduction The precise and unambiguous definitions of “active substance” and “similar active substance” is essential in the field of medicinal products for rare diseases: the so-called “orphan medicinal products”. Regulation (EC) 847/2000, where the definitions of “active substance” and “similar active substance” are contemplated, was recently amended by Regulation (EU) 2018/781, effective as of  19...
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Parallel imports of relabelled medical devices will be easier in the future

Judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), of 17 May 2018, Junek v. Lohman, Case C-642/16

Jordi Faus, Juan Martínez


The facts of the case This case refers to the parallel import into Germany, by Junek, of medical devices that Lohman had previously placed in the Austrian market. In order to do so, Junek had affixed a small label on the box of the product. This label included only the following information: the name of...
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Las emociones y la propuesta del SPC manufacturing waiver

Jordi Faus

El Global

La Comisión Europea ha presentado su propuesta del SPC manufacturing waiver, que permitirá que durante la vigencia de un certificado complementario de protección se puedan fabricar, en la UE, genéricos o biosimilares para su exportación a países donde puedan comercializarse sin infringir patentes vigentes. El objetivo es ayudar a las empresas farmacéuticas europeas a aprovechar los mercados...
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International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability 2018: Chapter 26 – Spain

A practical cross-border insight into product liability work

Xavier Moliner


Recently the 2018 issue of The International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability was published. This Guide offers a practical insight into product liability issues across the world, and includes both general articles on novelties in the field of product liability and country specific Q&A chapters. This year Xavier Moliner has been once again in...
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