El medicamento en los Tribunales en el año 2017

Jordi Faus, Juan Suárez, Mercè Maresma, Laura Marquès, Lluís Alcover and Juan Martínez

Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia de la Fundación CEFI, Number 83 January-April 2017

By means of this Article we go through the most importan decisions by Spanish and European courts regarding medicinal products during the year 2017.

El nuevo régimen de división en lotes

Xavier Moliner


La nueva Ley de Contratos del Sector Público (LCSP) ha traspuesto formalmente al ordenamiento jurídico una práctica que ya venía aplicándose por los tribunales administrativos desde que expiró el plazo para transponer las Directivas 2014/23/UE y 2014/24/UE. Nos referimos a la inversión del régimen general que recogía la normativa anterior (TRLCSP) que establecía la necesidad...
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Some medicines containing the same active substance may not be the same medicinal product (… in terms of reference price)

The General Court Judgement of 22 March, in Case T‑80/16 Shire, brings light into this delicate issue

Jordi Faus


Background This case refers to the position taken by the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”) in relation to an application filed by Shire to obtain orphan designation for Idursulfase-IT. The EMA rejected to validate such application on the grounds that Idursulfase-IT contained the same active substance (“API”) as that of Elaprase®, another medicinal product for which...
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The rights of patients justify a final “No” to the ATE’s even under the new Spanish Law on Public Tenders

Decision No 31/2018, of 28 of February, of the Public Tender Court of Catalonia

Xavier Moliner, Mercè Maresma


Background The Catalan Institute of Health and the Consortium for Health and Social Care of Catalonia called a tender for the award of a medicines supply framework agreement for the lipid lowering treatment with inhibitors of PCSK9. The tender was initially set as a single lot which would be awarded to a single supplier. After...
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The new rules on data protection facilitate biomedical research in Spain

The AEPD considers, in its Report 73667/2018, that the scope of the consent given in the field of biomedical research must not be interpreted in a restrictive way

Eduard Rodellar


As a general rule, the current legislation establishes that in order to process personal data related to health for purposes of biomedical research it is necessary to have previously obtained the explicit consent of the patient, usually in writing. However, according to Law 14/2007 on Biomedical Research, such consent may not be required in certain...
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More possibilities in relation to the substances that can be used in the manufacturing of food supplements

Royal Decree 130/2018, of 16 March, amending the Royal Decree 1487/2009, of 26 September, regarding food supplements

Lluís Alcover


Background On 28 March 2018, the Royal Decree 130/2018, of 16 March, amending Royal Decree 1487/2009, of 26 September, regarding food supplements, came into force. The purpose of the new Royal Decree is to update and clarify the regulatory framework applicable to food supplements in Spain. The main aspects regulated by this new regulation are...
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No definitivo a las ATEs. Los medicamentos distintos no deben agruparse en un mismo lote

Jordi Faus, Xavier Moliner


The new Spanish law on public tenders promotes the division of the contract into lots “as long as the nature or object of the contract allows such division”. The previous rule, which imposed that a justification was given when the contract was divided into lots, is reversed and replaced by the new rule, which only...
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Hay productos con el mismo API que no son el mismo medicamento

Jordi Faus


Inmersos como estamos en los trabajos de modificación del sistema de precios de referencia, una reciente sentencia del Tribunal General de la UE aporta elementos de reflexión sumamente interesantes al debate en torno a cuándo dos productos deben considerarse el mismo medicamento. En el sistema actual, pueden incluirse en el mismo conjunto de referencia aquellos...
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Faus & Moliner maintains its leadership in pharmaceutical law in Spain

Jordi Faus is once more recognized as the best lawyer in Spain in pharmaceutical law by the Guide Chambers & Partners 2018

Chambers & Partners has published the edition 2018 of the Chambers Europe Guide, which, based on opinions of clients and other lawyers, identifies and classifies the main lawyers and firms in Europe and Faus & Moliner is once more considered as a leading firm in the area of pharmaceutical law in Spain. The clients consulted by the team of Chambers & Partners highlight the high degree of specialization...
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