Transparencia y legitimidad

Jordi Faus

El Global

La sentencia que les comento esta semana, dictada el 5 de febrero por el Tribunal de Justicia de la UE, versa sobre el derecho de acceso a los documentos que manejan las administraciones públicas. El interés de la sentencia es doble. Por un lado, ilustra cómo en el entorno administrativo europeo conviven, con cierta naturalidad,...
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The future rules of the reference price system of medicines in the National Health System shall be submitted for consultation

The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality (MoH) launches a preliminary public consultation about the main features of its proposal for the amendment of the system

Juan Suárez


The reference price system of medicines in the Spanish National Health System (NHS) is approaching its second decade of existence. The purpose of this system -created in order to control public expenditure- is to divide medicines which are funded by the NHS into groups following certain criteria. Each group has the same reference price, which...
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Companies hiring transportation services from a carrier can receive claims directly from another carrier outsourced by the former

Judgement of the Supreme Court of 24 of November of 2017

Lluís Alcover


Background When hiring transportation services, it is convenient to bear in mind if the carrier who has been hired (“hired carrier”) is the one who actually carries and delivers the goods to the recipient, or if the hired carrier has outsourced the provision of such transportation services to another carrier (“final carrier”). In case of...
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‘No’ definitivo a las ATE

Jordi Faus

El Global

¿Recuerdan la polémica de las Alternativas Terapéuticas Equivalentes (ATEs)? A finales de Julio de 2013, el Servicio Andaluz de Salud abrió la licitación de un llamado “Acuerdo Marco de homologación para la selección de principios activos para determinadas indicaciones”. El objeto del expediente era seleccionar, para cada lote licitado, un proveedor que suministraría uno de...
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El sistema de precios de referencia se somete a consulta pública

Juan Suárez

El Global

El actual sistema de precios de referencia de los medicamentos del Sistema Nacional de Salud, alcanzada su mayoría de edad, empieza a mostrar claros síntomas de agotamiento. Pese a los numerosos retoques de los que ha sido objeto en las dos décadas que han transcurrido desde su implantación en nuestro país, su arquitectura normativa no...
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The supply price and its payment cannot depend on the use of products and equipment by the Administration calling the tender

Judgement of the Supreme Court of 28 November 2017

Xavier Moliner


Background This case stems from an appeal filed by a Spanish Federation for Healthcare Technologies’ Companies (FENIN) against the specifications of a tender called by the healthcare authority of the Basque Country for the award of a supply contract for products and equipment to perform blood gas tests. The Public Tender Court of the Basque...
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Criteria to justify abnormally low prices offered in tender procedures

Judgement of the Administrative Court of Public Procurement of Madrid of 16 of November of 2017

Mercè Maresma


Background Through this Judgement, the Administrative Court of Public Procurement of Madrid decided on an appeal which was filed against the award of a contract to a company that had offered a discount of 36,38% over the tender budget. The appeal was filed by a competitor which ended up classified in the second place, on...
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A favor del SPC manufacturing waiver

Jordi Faus

El Global

En nuestro mundo globalizado, el mercado farmacéutico descansa, entre otras, en una premisa relativamente sencilla: la innovación y el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos se protege mediante la concesión de patentes; y una vez éstas han expirado, aparecen los genéricos o biosimiliares. Esta sencilla premisa viene acompañada de diversas medidas que conforman un sistema cuyo objetivo...
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Los daños colaterales de la nueva Orden de Precios de Referencia

Juan Suárez

El Global

La versión digital de este periódico se hacía eco la pasada semana de la interposición de los primeros recursos contra la nueva Orden de Precios de Referencia del año 2017. Cuestión perfectamente previsible, por otro lado, por cuanto el Ministerio de Sanidad Servicios Sociales e Igualdad ha vuelto a incluir en conjuntos de la nueva...
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Manipulación y uso de medicamentos en condiciones diferentes a las estipuladas en su ficha técnica

Xavier Moliner, Juan Suárez


Although up until a relatively recent time, these practices were not regulated in our country, the manipulation, split and other forms of modification of the commercial presentations of medicinal products, for administration to the patient in doses, patterns or conditions other than those established in its Product Label, has been a common practice of hospital...
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