El precio no es lo único que cuenta en el mercado digital

Jordi Faus


En un contexto como el actual, cuando son tantos quienes cuestionan las bondades de la Unión Europea, cualquier cuestión que tiene que ver con la Europa digital me parece de extraordinaria importancia. A los inicios de los 80’s, antes de la adhesión de España a la UE, importar botones o accesorios de moda desde Francia...
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E-Commerce and Competition Law

Report from the European Commission of 10 May 2017 on the E-commerce Sector

Jordi Faus


Background Two years ago, the European Commission launched a sector inquiry into E-commerce. One of the objectives of the inquiry was to analyse possible competition barriers resulting from the commercial practices of companies, and also to reflect on the measures that could be adopted to ensure better access for consumers and businesses to goods and...
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Unsuccessful tenderers may bring an action to review award decisions if they are not yet final and definitive

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of 11 May 2017 (Case C-131/16)

Xavier Moliner, Juan Suárez


Background The judgment in question dates back to an appeal filed by Archus and Gama against the decision of a Polish contracting body refusing its offer and awarding the contract to Digital-Center. The Polish court was unsure as to whether Polish law complied with Community law and decided to stay the proceedings and to refer...
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Publication of the Code of Best Practice on data protection for Big Data projects

The Code, prepared by the Spanish Data Protection Agency and ISMS Forum Spain, identifies the main practical questions to be considered when handling large-scale data 

Eduard Rodellar


Big Data can be defined as the series of technologies, algorithms and systems employed to gather data on a scale and of a variety never seen before in addition to the extraction of valuable data using advanced analytical systems supported by parallel computing. One of the main uses of Big Data is establishing correlations and...
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New possibilities in terms of the maximum amount of nutrients in food supplements

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of 27 May 2017 in Case C-672/15

Verónica Carías


Background A French distributor of food supplements was subject to criminal proceedings for selling, without authorisation, products whose contents exceeded the maximum amounts of nutrients that may be used pursuant to French regulations (Order 2006). In the context of this procedure, the company claimed that the Order 2006 did not comply with EU law. As...
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The International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability 2017: Chapter 26 – Spain

A practical cross-border insight into product liability work

Xavier Moliner


Recently the 2017 issue of The International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability was published. This Guide offers a practical insight into product liability issues across the world, and includes both general articles on novelties in the field of product liability and country specific Q&A chapters. This year Xavier Moliner has been in charge of...
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Encarnación Cruz y el futuro RD de Precios

Jordi Faus


Mis sinceras felicitaciones a la nueva directora general de Cartera Básica del SNS y Farmacia, Encarnación Cruz, y también mis mejores deseos de éxitos en su gestión. Tal y como se ha recogido en diversos medios, es evidente que uno de los temas candentes en su agenda será la aprobación del nuevo Real Decreto de...
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Faus & Moliner participates in the International Conference on risks associated with the consumption of medicinal products and foods

Eduard Rodellar makes a presentation on the challenges which innovation and research are facing in the field of biomedicine

The conference, held on 11 and 12 May, has been organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Granada, and the participants were mainly university professors and representatives of the different Public Administrations. From the ethical-legal perspective of the risks associated with the consumption of medicinal products and foods, many issues of interest...
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Medicinal products in the European Union in 2020

With regard to the Resolution of the European Parliament, of 2 March 2017, and the Conclusions of the European Council of 17 June 2016

Jordi Faus


Background The Resolution approved by the European Parliament on 2 March 2017 concerning the EU options to improve access to medicines is a politically-charged document, produced as a result of the Cabezón Report promoted by the Spanish Socialist Member of the European Parliament, Soledad Cabezón. Therefore, it is not surprising that many regard it as...
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Possibility of applying for a review of preparatory acts prior to contracts being awarded

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of 5 April 2017 (Case C-391/15), Marina del Mediterráneo S.L. and others

Xavier Moliner, Mercè Maresma


Background This judgment has its origin in the action brought by Marina del Mediterráneo S.L. and other companies against a decision taken by the contracting authority allowing a tenderer to participate in the public procurement procedure. The action was dismissed and Marina del Mediterráneo, S.L. and others applied for a review of the decision before...
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