New online system to report anti-competitive practices before the CNMC and the European Commission

Mailboxes for cooperation with the Competition authorities

Laura Marquès


In March, both the European Commission (16 March) and the Spanish Markets and Competition Commission (31 March) have published on their websites details on the implementation of new tools to detect collusive agreements and other anti-competitive practices. Using these systems, any citizen or company can provide information anonymously in order to help detect anti-competitive practices....
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Esto del derecho farmacéutico…

Jordi Faus


Disculpen, pero hoy toca un poco de autobombo y alguna reflexión al hilo del mismo. La semana pasada, nos endulzaron las vacaciones anunciando que la Guía Chambers & Partners, una publicación de prestigio que evalúa de forma independiente la reputación de miles de abogados en Europa, había vuelto a designar a Faus & Moliner como...
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Faus & Moliner, leader in pharmaceutical law in Spain

Jordi Faus, the best lawyer for pharmaceutical law in Spain according to the Chambers & Partners Guide 2017

This year, once more, Faus & Moliner has been considered the leading firm in the area of pharmaceutical law in Spain by the Chambers & Partners Guide, a prestigious publication that assesses independently the reputation and competence of thousands of lawyers in Europe. Those consulted by the Chambers & Partners team have praised the degree...
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Las restricciones de derechos en virtud del principio de salud pública no pueden justificarse de forma genérica

A propósito de la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 19 de octubre de 2016, Asunto C-148/15, “Deutsche Parkinson”

Jordi Faus, Mercè Maresma

Cuadernos de Derecho Farmacéutico, Núm. 60, Enero-Marzo 2017

The judgement of the European Court of Justice that we comment in this article allows to request a higher degree of rigour to those who intend to support their position invoking the principle of protection of public health. In this article we analyze Spanish and EU case-law that have modelled the principle of protection of...
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Mejorar el acceso, una cuestión multidisciplinar

Jordi Faus

El Global

Para los que no consiguen desconectar del todo durante estas mini-vacaciones de Semana Santa, les habría recomendado la lectura de la Resolución del Parlamento Europeo, de 2 de marzo de 2017, sobre las opciones de la Unión para mejorar el acceso a los medicamentos. Su valor jurídico es más bien limitado; pero se trata de...
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Access to public tenders files is possible even before the contract is awarded

Resolution 21/2017 of 1 February by the Committee for Guaranteed Access to Public Information of Catalonia (Case 176/2016)

Jordi Faus


Background This case arose as a result of the claim filed by a bidder seeking to access different documents included in a public tender file, once the bidding process had ended but before the contracting authority had awarded the contract. The documents to which the bidder sought access included expert appraisal reports produced by the...
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Soplan aires de transparencia

Jordi Faus


Llegará un día, no falta mucho, en que en España se alcanzarán niveles de transparencia de la actividad administrativa propios de un verdadero Estado de derecho, donde tendremos acceso a los documentos públicos (como las Actas de la Comisión Interministerial de Precios de los Medicamentos, por ejemplo), sin necesidad de pedirlos. Ese día, si detectamos...
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Personal data recorded in the Mercantile Registry and “the right to be forgotten”, a difficult equilibrium

In its Judgment of 9 March 2017 the ECJ considers that an equilibrium must be found between this right and other legal obligations

Eduard Rodellar


Background In year 2007, the sole director of an Italian building company sued the Chamber of Commerce of Lecce. He considered that the properties that his company had built were not selling because in the companies’ register it was still noted that he had been the sole director and liquidator of another company which was...
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Liability of the notified body towards end users as a consequence of the conformity assessment procedure of medical devices

Judgement of the Court of Justice, of 16 February 2017, C-219/15

Juan Suárez


Background The judgement in question concerns a claim brought by Mrs. Schmitt against TÜV Rheinland, a notified private body which is qualified in Germany for the conformity assessment of medical devices. Mrs Schmitt had to remove the breast implants that had been subject to a conformity assessment by the notified body, after the competent French...
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