60 años del Tratado de Roma ¡Feliz cumpleaños!

Jordi Faus


El debate sobre la dispensación de algunos medicamentos exclusivamente desde los Servicios de Farmacia Hospitalaria, sin intervención de las oficinas de farmacia, ha cobrado actualidad tras la publicación, por la SEFH, de su informe “El valor de la Farmacia Hospitalaria”. En este se aporta básicamente dos ideas para defender la dispensación hospitalaria: en primer lugar,...
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Faus & Moliner participates at the course “Basic notions of Administrative Procedure for the departments of Regulatory Affairs and Market Access” organized by the University of Barcelona

Xavier Moliner, Eduard Rodellar and Juan Suárez have given courses on the administrative procedure and its special impact in the pharmaceutical area

In the course, organized by the School of Continuing Education of the University of Barcelona, the main aspects related to the administrative procedure have been addressed, with particular emphasis on all the most relevant novelties introduced by the recent Law 39/2015 on Common Administrative Procedure of the Public Administration. The speakers have given an eminently...
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Dispensación hospitalaria: cuestión de dinero

Jordi Faus


EEl debate sobre la dispensación de algunos medicamentos exclusivamente desde los Servicios de Farmacia Hospitalaria, sin intervención de las oficinas de farmacia, ha cobrado actualidad tras la publicación, por la SEFH, de su informe “El valor de la Farmacia Hospitalaria”. En este se aporta básicamente dos ideas para defender la dispensación hospitalaria: en primer lugar,...
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El SNS actúa como las aseguradoras privadas

Jordi Faus


En España, el derecho a la protección de la salud no está reconocido, en la Constitución, como un derecho fundamental, sino como un principio rector de la política social y económica. El Tribunal Constitucional se ha pronunciado al respecto en múltiples ocasiones. La última, al valorar el recurso interpuesto contra el Real Decreto-Ley 16/2012, en...
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Main features of the new Fenin Code of Ethics

New Code of Ethics for the Spanish Healthcare Technology Sector transposing the provisions of the current “Code of Ethical Business Practice” of MedTech Europe


Background On 21 December 2016, the general assembly of Fenin approved the new Code of Ethics for the Healthcare Technology Sector in Spain, transposing the current “Code of Ethical Business Practice” of MedTech Europe, the European association of the health technology industry. The main objective of the new Code, which will come into force on...
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Purchase of biological medicinal products: reference to the active ingredient is valid for defining batches

Judgment No. 445/2016 of 19 October issued by the Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country

Xavier Moliner


Whilst confusion persists concerning how to reasonably organise the purchase of biological and biosimilar medicinal products in hospitals, this judgment offers a certain amount of clarity and is worth particular note. The case in hand was initiated following a call for tenders as part of a Framework Agreement (FA) to supply epoetin alfa. Hospira appealed...
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Price comparison must take into account the different characteristics of shops

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 8 February 2017 (Case C-562/15)

Juan Suárez


Background The judgment in question corresponds to a widespread advertising campaign in France, as part of which Carrefour Hypermarchés compared the prices of 500 leading brand products in its shops and in the shops of competitors, including those belonging to ITM Alimentaire International. The campaign showed that products sold by the latter were systematically more...
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Waiver to the interests for late payment by signing up to the supplier payment plan may or may not be valid

In its judgment of 16 February 2017, the Court of Justice of the European Union leaves the door open for the national court to verify whether the aforementioned waiver was freely agreed to

Eduard Rodellar


Between 2008 and 2013, several companies supplied goods and provided services to medical establishments forming part of the Health Service of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, which failed to pay for those goods and services. Those companies then assigned the debts at issue to IOS Finance, a factoring company that would later...
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Countdown for adapting to the new European personal data protection framework

The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) publishes a range of guidelines on adapting to the General Data Protection Regulation

Eduard Rodellar


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Regulation (EU) 2016/679, is the new regulatory framework adopted by the European Union on the protection of personal data. Although it was published in May 2016, it will not fully come into force until May 2018. Thereafter, both Organic Law 15/1999, on Personal Data Protection and Royal Decree 1720/2007,...
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Transferencias de valor e impuestos, cuestión de calidad

Jordi Faus


Lo que está sucediendo con las transferencias de valor de la industria a los profesionales sanitarios me lleva a pensar en el equilibrio entre beneficio y riesgo que siempre hay que buscar en el mundo del medicamento; y en la necesidad de no olvidar otro elemento que también es esencial en cualquier medicamento: su calidad....
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