Faus & Moliner at the Early Access Programmes & Compassionate Use in the EU in Düsseldorf

Francisco Aránega made a presentation about Early access possibilities in Spain

This seminar was organized by the FORUM Institut in Düsseldorf and provided a detailed overview of early access possibilities in the EU in general as a well as in Germany, the UK, Spain and France in particular. The seminar informed about the available options for, and the arising challenges of, bringing pharmaceuticals to the European...
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¿Un paso atrás en la morosidad del sector público?

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

Muchos esperábamos con cierta expectación a que este jueves día 16 se hiciera pública la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE). Podría haber sido un revulsivo en la lucha contra la morosidad del sector público. Pero no pudo ser, al menos de momento.¡ La morosidad pública se ha convertido en una...
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Los precios fijados por el SNS y el comercio paralelo

Jordi Faus

El Global

La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) ha cerrado, esperemos que definitivamente, la discusión sobre si el sistema establecido por Pfizer en relación con el precio al cual suministraba sus medicamentos a los distribuidores españoles, incumplía o no las normas relativas a la defensa de la competencia españolas y europeas. El asunto...
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New developments in the access of SMEs to public tenders

Decision No. 173/2016 of the Catalan Court of Public Sector Contracts (TCCSP) of 4 November 2016 and Report of CNMC of 1 September 2016

Xavier Moliner


Background Some of the obstacles that SMEs frequently come up against when accessing public tenders are, for example, the non-division of the purpose of the contract into batches or the requirement of economic solvency related to business size. Recently, regulatory changes have been introduced and suggestions published to overcome these difficulties. We analyse one of...
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Veterinary centres in Andalusia may have a stock of medicinal products for human use

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 14 December 2016 on the Decree of the Regional Government of Andalusia on veterinary establishments and medicinal products


Background This judgment derives from a previous judgment set down by the High Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) on 29 September 2014, resulting from an appeal filed by the Association for Animal Health against a range of provisions in Decree 79/2011, which established rules on the distribution, prescription, dispensation and use of medicinal products...
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La buena regulación es un signo de progreso

Eduard Rodellar


La forma de legislar de un país determina en gran medida la eficiencia (o ineficiencia) en su avance económico y social. Un buen ejemplo de ineficiencia lo tenemos en un asunto resuelto por nuestro Tribunal Supremo el pasado mes de diciembre. Dicho tribunal anulaba el Real Decreto 639/2014, regulador de la troncalidad y otros aspectos...
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Los descuentos de fidelidad: esperando a Intel

Jordi Faus, Verónica Carías

Cuadernos de Derecho Farmacéutico, No. 59, October-December 2016

Loyalty rebates offered subject to the condition that the customers buys all or most of its needs of a given product from a supplier, are presumed to be illegal when granted by a dominant company. The judgement of the General Court in the Intel case seems to qualify this presumption as a iuris et de...
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Micromanagement y subastas

Jordi Faus


Nos movemos en un entorno en el cual todo sucede con tal rapidez, que tenemos la tentación de pensar que sólo podemos navegar entre las distintas situaciones novedosas que se nos van presentando e ir tomando decisiones tirando de principios generales, y nos olvidamos de algunas ventajas que tiene el micromanagement, entre las cuales destaca...
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Chambers Global Practice Guides – Life Sciences 2017

Law & Practice: Contributed by Faus & Moliner

Jordi Faus, Carmela Losada, Francisco Aránega and Xavier Moliner


For more than 20 years Chambers Guides have ranked lawyers and law firms across the world. Chambers now offers clients a new series of Global Practice Guides, which contain practical guidance on doing legal business in key jurisdictions. Chambers selects leading law firms in each jurisdiction to write the “Law & Practice” sections. The ‘Law...
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New public procurement: faster, more transparent and in pursuit of quality

Draft law on Public Sector Contracts, transposing Directives 2014/23/EU and 2014/24/EU into Spanish law

Xavier Moliner


Objectives of the new law The draft of this new law seeks, first and foremost, to fulfil the obligation to incorporate into Spanish law Directives 2014/23/EU of 26 February 2014 on the award of concession contracts and Directive 2014/24/EU of 26 February 2014 on public procurement. The deadline for transposing the aforementioned Directives expired on 18...
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