Access to public information and personal data protection

Guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency on the reuse of public sector information and on anonymising procedures

Mercè Maresma


Introduction Law No 19/2013 on transparency, access to public information and good governance, as is well known, sets out that requests for access to information possessed by Public Administrations may be denied when said information contains personal data. In order to ensure consistency between the principles of transparency and access to public information and the...
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How to avoid the obligation of having to purchase surplus stock under just in time manufacturing agreements

Supreme Court Judgment of 5 October 2016

Verónica Carías


Background In 1990, two Spanish companies verbally entered into a just in time supply agreement, under which the manufacturer was bound to continuously deliver, in very short turnaround times, product orders placed by its client. Twenty-five years later, the client unilaterally terminated the agreement. The manufacturer brought suit, asking for the client to be held...
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Parallel import of in vitro diagnostic medical devices

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), of 13 October 2016, (Case C-277/15, Roche Diagnostics Deutschland GmbH vs Servoprax GmbH)

Carmela Losada


Background Roche Diagnostics markets in vitro diagnostic medical devices in Germany. Servoprax purchased said devices in the United Kingdom, where they were also marketed, and then added a label and instructions in German and sold them in Germany. The product’s label in Germany made reference to two units of measurement (“mmol/l” and “mg/dl”), whilst in...
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Los tribunales acotan las injerencias en la libertad de prescripción

Juan Suárez


Nuestro ordenamiento jurídico consagra la libertad de prescripción del facultativo a través de la Ley de garantías y uso racional de los medicamentos y productos sanitarios, cuyo artículo 79 dispone que médicos, odontólogos y podólogos son los únicos profesionales facultados para instaurar un tratamiento con medicamentos de prescripción. Conviene matizar, no obstante, que dicha libertad...
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Competencia, OPEP y medicamentos

Jordi Faus


Al regresar de sus vacaciones de verano, una de las primeras sentencias que dictó el Tribunal General de la Unión Europea tuvo por objeto el recurso presentado por Lundbeck contra la decisión de la Comisión de 19 de junio de 2013, que la declaraba culpable de infringir las normas sobre libre competencia y le imponía...
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Risks in the agreements between patent holders and generic medicinal product companies

Judgment of the General Court of the European Union of 8 September 2016, Case T-472/13, Lundbeck

Jordi Faus


Background This extensive judgment (+120 pages) addresses the ruling adopted by the European Commission in June 2013, which declared that Lundbeck, Merck, Arrow, Alpharma and Ranbaxy had infringed European rules on competition when agreeing that Lundbeck would provide economic compensation to the manufacturers of generic medicinal products for not marketing Citalopram in certain territories during...
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Significant recent developments in terms of administrative procedure

Law No. 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Authorities comes into force

Eduard Rodellar


On 2 October, Law No. 39/2015, which regulates the common administrative procedure of Public Authorities (LPAC) comes into force. This Law revokes various other laws and regulations. Amongst the foregoing, the most relevant is Law No. 30/1992, on the Legal System applicable to Public Authorities and Common Administrative Procedure. The legislator, on this occasion, has...
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Compensation for the sudden termination of an indefinite term exclusive distribution contract

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 19 July 2016

Verónica Carías


Background GP Acustics, a German company dedicated to the production of speakers, notified Ear, S.A., its exclusive distributor in Spain, of its unilateral decision to end the 30-year distribution relationship between the parties with just two months’ notice. Said decision was not based on any breach committed by Ear, rather the wish of GP Acustics...
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La Administración Pública del siglo XXI

Eduard Rodellar

El Global

Este mes de octubre entrarán en vigor la Ley 39/2015, reguladora del procedimiento administrativo común de las Administraciones Públicas (LPAC) y la Ley 40/2015, reguladora del Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público (LRJSP). Dichas leyes derogan diversas normas de rango legal, la más conocida de ellas la Ley 30/1992, de Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas...
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Cáncer de próstata, incertidumbre y riesgo compartido

Jordi Faus


Hace unos días, la prensa británica se hizo eco del resultado de un estudio avalado por el NHS del cual resultaría que los tratamientos más agresivos contra los tumores prostáticos (cirugía o radioterapia) no reportan beneficios significativos en términos de supervivencia. Por contra, como es sabido son tratamientos con importantes efectos adversos. No tengo la...
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