Faus & Moliner at the IBA Annual Conference in Washington, DC

Jordi Faus participated as a co-moderator at the session about providing and paying for healthcare at the Annual Conference of the International Bar Association

Jordi Faus
At this year’s Annual Conference of the International Bar Association, which was held in Washington the week of 18-23 of September, the Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee has organized a Session under the title “Providing and paying for healthcare: public, private or something in between? Obamacare and beyond”. This session saught to explain the goal of...
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Acuerdos de fondo en materia sanitaria

Francisco Aránega


En los últimos años nos hemos acostumbrado a que la Sanidad sea una de las áreas en las que en España se producen más conflictos entre administraciones. Uno de esos conflictos lo ha cerrado reciente una sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional que, a raíz de un recurso presentado por el Parlamento de Navarra frente a diferentes...
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The “Privacy Shield” comes into force: more protection in the transfer of personal data from the European Union to the US

Commission Decision of 12 July 2016, regarding the suitability of the Privacy Shield between the European Union and the US

Eduard Rodellar


On 6 October 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) annulled Commission Decision 2000/520/EC, on the suitability of the safe harbour principles, known as the “Safe Harbour Agreement”. Previously, it was considered that merely by means of accession to said Agreement, US companies receiving personal data from Europe complied with an appropriate...
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An indefinite term distribution agreement may be terminated if the distributor refuses to revise its conditions

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 30 May 2016

Verónica Carías


Background In 1996, a beverages manufacturer and a distribution company entered into an exclusive distribution agreement for Spain and Andorra. The conditions of exclusivity applied to both parties, in such a way that the distributor committed to exclusively purchase certain product from the manufacturer for distribution within the referred countries and the manufacturer committed to...
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The party having to pay a fee for a licence to use a patent must pay the fee even in the event that such patent is annulled or not infringed

Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 7 July 2016 in Case C-567/14

Verónica Carías


Background In 1992, Behringwerke AG and Genentech entered into a licence agreement under which the former granted the latter a non-exclusive worldwide licence to use a specific trigger that increases the efficiency of the cellular process employed to produce proteins. The licensed technology was protected by two US patents and one European patent. As compensation...
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In the acquisition of companies, clientèle or know-how, non-competition obligations may apply even though they are not expressly agreed

Judgment of the Civil Division of the Supreme Court of 9 May 2016

Francisco Aránega


Background The judgment in question concerns a claim brought by the purchasers of the shares of a company called Aerlyper, on the basis they understood that the sellers had failed to comply with a non-competition commitment established in the purchase agreement concerning said shares. Specifically, the purchasers claimed that the sellers failed to comply with...
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Hablamos de… Riesgo compartido

Jordi Faus


Hace dos semanas participé en el IV Encuentro sobre Gestión en Farmacia Hospitalaria para Directivos, celebrado en la UIMP bajo la dirección compartida de Miguel Ángel Calleja, Jon Iñaki Betolaza y Antoni Gilabert. Las ideas, en cualquier evento donde participan estas personas, fluyen a un ritmo interesante. Además, el formato del encuentro, que incluía dos...
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The medicinal product in Courts in the year 2015

Jordi Faus, Mercè Maresma

Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia de la Fundación CEFI, número 78, Mayo-Agosto 2016

2015 has been a year full of important judgments in the field of medicinal products. This article aims to explain the most important decisions in order to give the reader a perspective on developments and clarifications that have been incorporated into the regulation of medicinal products through recent case law in Spanish and European courts....
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Si Vueling vendiese medicamentos…

Jordi Faus


La semana pasada se cumplió el plazo para publicar las transferencias de valor con origen en la industria farmacéutica y destino en las organizaciones y profesionales sanitarios. Comentando el tema con personas ajenas al sector, no pocas se preguntaban si las compañías farmacéuticas no se habrían pasado de frenada. Es una reflexión legítima desde el...
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Efectos secundarios del ‘Brexit’: la sede de la EMA

Jordi Faus


Hace dos semanas, concluí esta columna, dedicada a qué podría suceder en el mundo del medicamento si ganaba la opción del “leave” en el referéndum británico, con estas palabras: “…si gana la opción del leave el impacto en el ámbito del medicamento y del derecho farmacéutico será muy relevante. Depende de ellos, y si deciden...
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