“Brexit” and medicinal products

Some relevant issues in the field of pharmaceutical law after the option to “leave” has won the referendum of 23 of June

Jordi Faus


It is Friday June 24th, and while writing this CAPSULAS from London, the first thing that comes to my mind is what I wrote in El Global ten days ago: the most important voting this month of June of 2016 is not the General Election that will take place in Spain on Sunday 26th; but...
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Challenging the specifications of a tender does not represent an impediment to participation

Ruling 17/2016 of 11 February 2016, of the Catalan Court of Public Sector Contracts

Xavier Moliner


Background The ruling of the Catalan Court of Public Sector Contracts addressed below was issued as part of a special appeal on contracting brought against the specifications of a tender procedure that sought to award a contract for the supply of medicinal products. The appeal brought challenged, amongst other aspects, a very common clause in...
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Supreme Court backs the investigatory powers of the Competition Authority

The Judgement of 6 April 2016 supports the fact that a casual discovery in an inspection serves as grounds to open new disciplinary proceedings

Mercè Maresma


Background This case has its origin in an inspection that the Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC) performed at the offices of Montesa Honda to investigate whether the company had exchanged information and coordinated strategies with its distributors. Following the inspection, the CNMC filed proceedings against Montesa Honda. A couple of months later, the CNMC opened new proceedings alleging...
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The Internet can be a sales channel for dermo-cosmetics, but manufacturers may impose certain conditions

Judgement of the Supreme Court of 22 April 2016

Jordi Faus


Selective distribution and competition Selective distribution is an option chosen by many manufacturers to market their products. A few years ago, several companies chose this system to place their products in pharmacies; as a result, companies faced significant criticism for restricting the sale of their products to the pharmaceutical channel. Currently, the outlook is quite...
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Almost ten years debating hospital dispensing

Judgement of the Supreme Court of 2 March 2016 on the hospital dispensing of medicinal products for non-hospital treatment

Carmela Losada


Background The Judgement in question dates back to a ruling issued by the Andalusian Health System (SAS), at the end of 2010, which provided that certain medicinal products should be dispensed via hospital pharmacy services given the need to exercise specific oversight, supervision and control measures, preventing them from being dispensed at pharmacies. The Business...
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‘Brexit’ y medicamentos

Jordi Faus


Este mes de junio, la votación más importante no es la que se producirá en España el día 26; sino el referéndum que se celebrará en el Reino Unido tres días antes. ¿Qué puede suceder en el mundo del medicamento si gana la opción del leave? Los tratados europeos prevén que, en estos casos, se...
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Con la competencia no se juega

Jordi Faus


La Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y de la Competencia (CNMC), es uno de esos organismos que no dejan indiferente. Gustará o no, y es cierto que algunas de sus decisiones más significativas han sido posteriormente anuladas, pero haciendo gala de un tesón poco común en otras administraciones, la CNMC está consiguiendo trasladar la idea...
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Faus & Moliner participates at the XXVth Congress of the Juristas de la Salud Association (Jurists of Health also known as JS)

Eduard Rodellar makes a presentation about the new legislation regarding clinical trials

Eduard Rodellar
The XXVth Congress “Derecho y Salud”, which was held form 8 to 10 of June at “Universidad Pontificia de Comillas” in Madrid, has been organized by the Jurists of Health Association. Apart from lawyers specialized in the sector, representatives of different Public Administrations and the university community have also participated. Many issues of interest for the pharmaceutical and health sector were addressed....
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Faus & Moliner participates in the “Master in Pharma and Compliance Business” of ESAME Foundation

Verónica Carías teaches a class on co-marketing and co-promotion agreements

Verónica Carías
The Master in Pharma and Compliance Business Law, organized by ESAME Foundation, aims to provide specific training applied to the most common agreements in the Pharmaceutical Sector as well as to the regulations of the Pharma industry. During her conference held on the 6 of June in Madrid, Verónica Carías focused on the co-marketing and...
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El compliance penal: Preocuparse en su justa medida

Francisco Aránega

El Global

Desde que se aprobó la última reforma del Código Penal, en muchas compañías se ha desarrollado un elevado nivel de preocupación por comprender de forma adecuada el alcance y efectos de la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas. Cierto grado de preocupación, con una buena dosis de ocupación, es plenamente razonable en este asunto. A...
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