The Supreme Court dismisses the automatic review of reference prices

Supreme Court judgments of 10 and 11 November 2015, on Royal Decree 177/2014 on reference prices and homogeneous groups

Juan Suárez


Background In 2014 the Spanish federation of wholesaler associations (FEDIFAR) challenged Royal Decree 177/2014, alleging that it failed to contemplate controls to guarantee the supply of lower-priced medicinal products, and that it would affect its commercial margin by not providing for sufficient periods of price coexistence. A second appeal from the Pharmacists Business Federation (FEFE)...
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La CNMC aporta frescura al debate del RD de Precios

Jordi Faus

El Global

Para muchos farmacéuticos y empresas del sector, la Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y de la Competencia (CNMC) debe ser lo más parecido a Jano, el dios romano del principio y del final, habitualmente representado con sus dos caras mirando en direcciones opuestas. En efecto, hablar de competencia y farmacia suele encender los ánimos, especialmente...
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El papel de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia

Jordi Faus

El Global

Esta semana, en la que la Asamblea General de Asebio ha renovado sus cargos confiando la presidencia a la compañía Celgene, representada por Jordi Martí, me parece oportuno comentar una reciente sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, de 17 de noviembre, que trata sobre el posicionamiento jurídico de ciertas entidades. En este caso, el Tribunal Supremo debía...
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La sanidad, un sector con ventaja en temas de compliance

Derecho Penal & Compliance

Jordi Faus

La Vanguardia,

Desde que en Julio de este año entró en vigor el nuevo Código Penal se ha hablado mucho de “compliance”, un terreno en el que asesores de diferentes especialidades se han lanzado a la búsqueda de clientes y proyectos, animados también por la creciente relevancia de los asuntos penales en nuestras vidas. En este ámbito,...
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The price of medicinal products in Europe cannot be used to reduce their prices in Spain

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 28 October 2015 annulling the Second Additional Provision of Royal Decree 177/2014

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 165

Background In 2014, with the enactment of Royal Decree 177/2014 regulating the reference pricing system and homogenous groups of medicinal products within the Spanish Health System, it was established that reference prices could not fall beneath the minimum threshold of €1.60. The regulation also stipulated that, in some instances, the reference price could not be...
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To contract with public administrations, companies must comply with the mandatory employment quota of 2% for people with disabilities

Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the Legal System governing the Public Sector

Xavier Moliner

Capsulas Nº 165

Background In October, the new law on the Legal System governing the Public Sector was published in the Official State Gazette. As usual, the legislator took advantage of the enactment of a new law to amend other legal texts in force by including a wide range of final provisions. Thus, Final Provision Nine of Law...
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Consultancy firms may be fined for restricting competition if they actively collaborate in the management of a cartel

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 22 October 2015, Case C-194/14 P, AC-Treuhand

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 165

Background Community competition law, as is well known, considers that agreements between companies, decisions by business associations and concerted practices that could potentially affect trade between Member States and that may prevent, restrict or distort competition in the internal market are inconsistent with said market and thus prohibits them. The Spanish Competition Law contains similar...
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The FENIN Code cannot be used for complaints regarding advertising addressed to the general public

Judgment of the Jury of Autocontrol of 15 October 2015

Carmela Losada

Capsulas Nº 165

Background This judgment was handed down as a result of a complaint brought against advertising produced by the manufacturer of ostomy products. To commemorate “World Ostomy Day”, the advertiser, with a view to raising awareness about ostomy and improving the quality of life of these patients, disseminated leaflets containing information on ostomy to the public...
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Faus & Moliner participates in the MBA on Pharma & Biotech and in the Master on Scientific Departments of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Verónica Carías and Carmela Losada taught the seminars “International patent systems” and “Industrial property and pharmaceutical products’ patents”

Knowledge on protecting inventions, pharmaceutical and biotechnological patents and how to prepare the applications to obtain patents is essential for future professionals in this area. On 18 November of 2015, Faus & Moliner lawyers Verónica Carías and Carmela Losada taught the seminar “International patent systems” of the 1st Edition of the MBA on Pharma &...
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Los precios en Europa y el umbral mínimo

Jordi Faus

El Global

En los últimos meses, el Tribunal Supremo ha dictado diversas sentencias relacionadas con las normas aplicables en España a los precios de referencia y a las agrupaciones homogéneas. En el mes de Junio, se admitió un recurso contra la inclusión, en una agrupación homogénea de medicamentos que no pueden considerarse intercambiables desde el punto de...
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