Faus Moliner participates in the Congress of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy “Digital transformation of hospital pharmacy (HF). Opportunities and challenges. Are we on the way?”

Lluís Alcover gives a presentation on the ethical and legal challenges in the implementation of clinical pharmacy in the hospital environment

The 68th Congress of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy “Digital transformation of hospital pharmacy (FH). Opportunities and challenges. Are we on the way?” was organized by Boehringer Ingelheim and took place on October 5 in Bilbao. It was a very productive debate with the participation of Emilio Monte-Boquet as moderator, José Manuel Martínez Sesmero...
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¿Estamos en el camino?

Lluís Alcover

El Global

El sábado 7 de octubre concluyó el 68 Congreso de Farmacia Hospitalaria en Bilbao. Muchos eventos y simposios abordaron la transformación digital de la farmacia hospitalaria. Tuve el placer de participar en uno titulado “Transformación digital de la farmacia hospitalaria: ¿estamos en el camino?” Hubo cierto consenso en que sí; pero en que queda, sin...
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Diálogo temprano y acceso a la información

Joan Carles Bailach

E Global

Hace unos días, la Agencia Europea del Medicamento (EMA) nos sorprendía haciéndose eco de un artículo científico que analizaba las consultas más frecuentes planteadas por las compañías farmacéuticas en los llamados business pipeline meetings sobre oncología que la propia EMA ha realizado en los últimos cinco años. El objetivo principal de estas reuniones es identificar, en una...
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¿Es obligatorio publicar el precio unitario de los medicamentos que se adquieren en una licitación pública?

Laia Rull and Joan Carles Bailach


The purpose of this article is to analyze the ruling of the High Court of Justice of the Canary Islands of 28 March 2023, which declares that the Public Procurement Act does not require the publication of the unit price of the medicinal products purchased, and that it is permissible to publish only the total...
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La exención hospitalaria aplicada a los medicamentos de terapia avanzada: ¿hacia dónde vamos?

Jordi Faus


This article aims to analyse the draft of the new Directive on medicinal products for human use in relation to the so-called hospital exemption applied to advanced therapy medicinal products. It also offers a critical view of the questions raised by the coexistence in Spain of advanced therapy medicinal products prepared on the basis of...
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Joint bidding under competition rules

New section on joint bidding in the revised Horizontal Guidelines

Oriol Cases

Capsulas Nº 242

In June, the European Commission (EC) adopted the new Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations and Guidelines to horizontal co-operation agreements. The guidelines incorporate one new section on joint bidding. What do the new Guidelines say? As a starting point, the Guidelines distinguish between joint bidding and bid rigging. The latter refers to agreements which aim to...
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New regulatory framework for allergen products

Ministerial Order SND/778/2023, of 10 July, regulating certain aspects of the authorisation of allergen products

Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 242

Background We currently find allergen products for both human and veterinary use that do not have marketing authorisation (MA). On the other hand, for identical indications and allergens, we also find medicinal products that have an MA (and therefore proven quality, safety and efficacy). Although the reasons for not having an MA can vary, they...
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Definition of the concept of novel food

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 25 May 2023

Anna Gerboles

Capsulas Nº 242

Last May, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered a judgment in case C-141/22, which arose from a preliminary reference by the Bezirksgericht Gratz (Austria). The judgment concerns the definition of “novel food” in Regulation 2015/2283 on novel foods (Novel Foods Regulation). Novel foods are increasingly present in our diet. This is...
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Oferta conjunta y competencia

Xavier Moliner

El Global

Es más o menos frecuente que para presentar una oferta a una licitación pública dos o más compañías tengan que asociarse, porque cada una de ellas por sí misma no puede ejecutar todas las prestaciones que son objeto del contrato. En España, la forma en que generalmente se produce la cooperación entre empresas para participar...
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