Faus & Moliner participates at the Meeting organized by the Group RI&MA Institutional Relations and Market Access

Jordi Faus speaks about the latest develoments in price legislation and reimbursement of medicines

In 2015, there have been new significant developments in legislation concerning prices and reimbursement of medicines. Among these, we can higlight two judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which interpret Directive 89/105, a Supreme Court judgment on the interchangeability of products that belong to the same homogenous group; and another one...
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Y al final de la legislatura, novedades

Jordi Faus


Es muy posible que la última contribución del actual gobierno al derecho farmacéutico sea la modificación de la Ley de Garantías en lo que se refiere a descuentos, no discriminación delos medicamentos de marca, y el no copago por la medicación que se recibe en los hospitales. La liberalización de los descuentos y la eliminación...
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Liberalisation of discounts offered by pharmaceutical companies to pharmacies

The Official Journal of the Spanish Parliament of 27 October publishes the final text of the Finance Law for 2016

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 164

Maximum rate eliminated As of 1 January 2016, the maximum discount rate of 10% that distributors and pharmaceutical companies were allowed to offer pharmacies on medicinal products financed by Spain’s National Healthcare System (SNS) will disappear. In this respect, it is important to recall that the general rules governing competition fully apply to the sale...
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The “vis atractiva” of the classification as medicinal products does not apply to cosmetic products

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), of 13 September 2015, Case C-321/14

Juan Suárez

Capsulas Nº 164

Background The company Karnevalservice markets noncorrective colour contact lenses in Germany. These products are designed to alter the user’s appearance for recreational purposes, not to remedy any kind of visual deficiency. At the time of the events, the labelling of these lenses included a statement informing the user that they were a “cosmetic eye accessory,...
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Requiring that health services be provided in a specific geographic location may be contrary to European regulations

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), of 22 October 2015, Case C-552/13

Xavier Moliner

Capsulas Nº 164

Background In the Basque Country, public health services are provided on the basis of a system of a regional organisation divided into healthcare districts. Under that system, patients are served by a particular hospital -the “hospital of reference”- located in the corresponding healthcare district. In order to improve the quality of service, the competent authorities...
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Strict conditions for limiting contractual rights by invoking the doctrine of stoppel

Judgement of the Supreme Court, Civil Chamber, of 6 October 2015

Verónica Carías


Background Accy Phone, S.L. and Motorola Mobility España, S.A. entered into an exclusive distribution agreement, under which Motorola supplied Accy with mobile phones that were then resold by the latter. After Motorola committed several breaches of contract, Accy filed a law suit requesting to terminate the Agreement and to order Motorola to settle an outstanding...
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Un sector con ventaja en temas de compliance

Jordi Faus


Desde que entró en vigor el nuevo Código Penal se ha hablado mucho de compliance, un terreno en el que asesores de diferentes especialidades se han lanzado a la búsqueda de clientes y proyectos, animados también por la creciente relevancia de los asuntos penales en nuestras vidas. En este ámbito, muchos conceptos e ideas se...
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Un proyecto en vía muerta

Juan Suárez

El Global

Se agota la legislatura. Y con ella, parece cada vez más obvio, la posibilidad de que asistamos en las próximas fechas al nacimiento del nuevo real decreto que regulará inclusión de medicamentos y productos sanitarios en la prestación farmacéutica del Sistema Nacional de Salud. El proyecto destinado a consagrar estas nuevas reglas del juego ha...
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La vacunación obligatoria

Jordi Faus

El Global

La semana pasada, entre los días 4 y 9 de octubre, se celebró en Viena la reunión anual dela International Bar Association, una organización internacional que reúne a abogados, operadores jurídicos, colegios profesionales de abogados y asociaciones de Derecho de diferentes nacionalidades. En el encuentro anual del Colegio de Abogados Internacional participaron más de 6.000...
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Faus & Moliner participates at the IBA Annual Conference

Jordi Faus speaks about compulsory vaccination at the Annual Meeting of the Internationnal Bar Association

At this year’s Annual Meeting of the International Bar Association, the Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee has organized a Session under the title “Plagues! From the Black Death to Ebola”. Faus & Moliner founding partner Jordi Faus has taken part with a presentation on vaccination, dealing with questions such as whether vaccination should be...
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