Normas claras y procedimientos transparentes

Jordi Faus


La semana pasada comentaba que el derecho al mejor tratamiento disponible es un derecho individual que debe elevarse a la categoría de interés general mediante normas claras, y que debe ser gestionado mediante procedimientos transparentes. En el caso de los afectados por el VHC, estas ideas cobran si cabe mayor importancia en el momento actual,...
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Leído en el ‘New York Times’

Jordi Faus


Hace unos días, el New York Times publicaba una noticia interesante acerca de la reacción de muchos profesores de Harvard ante las medidas adoptadas por la Universidad en relación con la cobertura de seguro sanitario que ofrece a su personal. El artículo empezaba afirmando que quienes durante años habían asesorado a la administración sobre cómo...
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A step forward in the transparency and professionalism of the management of Spanish companies

Law 31/2014, modifying the Law on Share Capital Companies in order to improve corporate governance enters into force

Irene van der Meer


The final text of this Law was published in the Official Journal last 4 December. In its Preamble, the legislator stresses the importance of good corporate governance as an essential factor for the creation of value, the improvement of economic efficacy and also to strengthen investor confidence, and also refers to the progress made in...
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Poniendo el acento en el valor de la innovación

Juan Suárez


La pasada semana tuve ocasión de participar en el Café de Redacción organizado por Wecare-u, el grupo editorial que edita EG y Gaceta Médica, en torno al valor del medicamento de marca como instrumento de ahorro para el Sistema Nacional de Salud. El formato amable y distendido de estos encuentros, que la editorial viene organizando...
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Un hombre de letras y leyes en el Ministerio

Jordi Faus


El nombramiento de Alfonso Alonso como nuevo Ministro de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, una vez conocida la dimisión de Ana Mato, ha sido objeto de diversas lecturas dentro del sector. Se han destacado su perfil político, su talante negociador; y también su supuesta falta de experiencia en el ámbito sanitario. En la búsqueda de...
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The Supreme Court recalls that manipulating medicines in hospitals is a dangerous activity

Judgments of the Supreme Court, of 17 October 2014, regarding Order 14/2010 of the Health Department of the Region of Valencia

Juan Suárez

Capsulas Nº 157

Background In 2010, the Health Department of the Region of Valencia published Order 14/2010, regulating the procedure to authorize and manage the so-called “pharmaceutical units for dose adaptation”. The Pharmaceutical Boards of Valencia and Alicante filed a Court appeal against the order, because they understood that it breached the provisions of Law 29/2006 regarding manufacturing...
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Contracting a former employee of another company who is subject to a non-compete agreement is not per se disloyal

Judgment of the Supreme Court (1st Chamber) of 3 September 2014

Eduard Rodellar


Background This case goes back to the time when Alliance Healthcare decided to terminate the employment agreement with its Managing Director. In mediation, the company recognized that the termination was unfair and agreed to pay compensation. Both parties, furthermore, entered into a one year non-compete agreement, in consideration for which the former Managing Director received...
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The application of the new VAT rate for certain medical devices is imminent

The amendments that Law 28/2014 of 27 November introduces to Law 37/1992 on Value Added Tax will come into force in the new year

Eduard Rodellar


On January 1 2015 the amendment of Law 37/1992 on Value Added Tax, as carried out through the recently-published Law 28/2014, will come into force. Law 28/2014, among other matters, raises the VAT rate that applies to the sale of certain categories of medical devices and medical equipment, in order to comply with the ruling...
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Information society service providers may be held civilly liable for circulating defamatory information

Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 11 September 2014, in case C-291/13

Carmela Losada


Background The judgment under analysis was issued as a result of a request for a preliminary ruling referred by the Court of Cyprus. The questions arose within the framework of national proceedings against the chief editor of a newspaper, as well as against one of its journalists, from whom the plaintiff sought reparation for the...
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La manipulación de medicamentos es una actividad peligrosa

Jordi Faus


Hace un año, se publicó la Guía de buenas prácticas de preparación de medicamentos en servicios de farmacia hospitalaria, necesaria para la aplicación del artículo 7 del Real Decreto-Ley 16/2012 sobre manipulación y adecuación de medicamentos. En aquel entonces escribí que el Estado de Derecho, con mayúsculas, merecía ser defendido frente a actuaciones desbocadas. No...
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