Faus & Moliner participates in the Master on Scientific Departments of the Pharmaceutical Industry organized by the University of Barcelona and Fundación ESAME

Verónica Carías and Carmela Losada taught the seminar “Industrial property and pharmaceutical products’ patents”

Knowledge on protecting inventions, pharmaceutical and biotechnological patents and how to prepare the requests to obtain the latter is essential for future professionals in this area. Faus & Moliner lawyers Verónica Carías and Carmela Losada taught the seminar “Industrial property and pharmaceutical products’ patents” included in the programme of the Master on Pharmaceutical Industry Scientific...
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Lucha contra el comercio paralelo

Jordi Faus


Vaya por delante que soy un firme defensor del mercado único europeo y que al mismo tiempo soy tremendamente crítico con quienes se dedican al comercio paralelo de medicamentos cuyo precio está sujeto a medidas de intervención adoptadas por las administraciones. Hace unos cuantos años recibí algunas peticiones para asesorar a exportadores, me decían que...
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Sin luz aún al final del túnel

Juan Suárez


La financiación de nuestro sistema sanitario sigue acaparando buena parte del protagonismo en el debate sobre los Presupuestos Generales del Estado recientemente presentados al Congreso de los Diputados. Como también era de esperar, no han tardado en surgir voces desde diferentes grupos que advierten de la insuficiencia de las partidas de gasto destinadas a los...
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Recurrir las autorizaciones de genéricos

Jordi Faus


La lucha por el derecho, de la que les hablaba la semana pasada, ha dado frutos de nuevo en el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE). Gracias a una pequeña empresa de Letonia, Olainfarm, los jueces europeos han podido dictar una sentencia llamada a ser considerada uno de los leading cases en el...
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La lucha por el derecho

Jordi Faus


La semana pasada se celebró el Curso de Derecho Farmacéutico que anualmente organiza magistralmente la Fundación del Centro de Estudios para el Fomento de la Investigación (CEFI).El interés por el acto, que congregó a más de 150 profesionales demuestra una vez más la importancia que tiene, para el sector, su entorno jurídico. Mi presentación esbozó algunos...
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Faus & Moliner participates at the XIII Course on Pharmaceutical Law organized by CEFI

Jordi Faus and Juan Suárez delivered two presentations on certain hot topics

In the last years, the Course on Pharmaceutical Law organized by Fundacion CEFI has become a reference forum for the legal analysis of issues that affect the life of a medicinal product. At this year’s edition of the Course, held in Madrid on 21 and 22 October 2014, Faus & Moliner participated with two presentations....
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The marketing authorization holder of a reference product has the right to appeal against the approval of the generic in court

Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 23 October 2014, Case C-104/13, Olainfarm

Jordi Faus


Background This case began when Olainfarm filed a case in the Latvian courts against the granting of a marketing authorization of a generic of its product Neiromidin in favour of Grindeks. The Latvian judges, when analyzing the appeal, understood that it was convenient to raise two issues to the European Court of Justice. The first...
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The Spanish Competition Authority monitors the health sector closely and reinforces its intervention mechanisms

A new procedure is triggered in the sector of test strips for blood sugar control; and the Collaboration Procedure is reinforced

Jordi Faus


Utmost stringency Spanish authorities in charge of the defense of competition continue to act firmly against activities which may restrict or prevent competition in any manner. The preamble of Law 15/2007 is very clear to this regard: the existence of effective competition between companies constitutes one of the elements that define market economy and the...
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The 7.5% deduction resulting from RD-Law 8/2010 does not apply in sales when a higher discount was already included in the invoice

Judgment of the Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Andalusia, First section, of 11 September 2014

Xavier Moliner

Capsulas Nº 156

Background In our Capsulas of September 2012 we referred to the judgment passed by the Administrative Court 8 of Sevilla, in a case where a hospital had applied a 7.5% deduction on the supply of medicinal products made after 1 June 2010. The hospital was applying this deduction pursuant to Royal Decree-Law 8/2010. In its...
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Traders must ensure that their advertising is properly released when third parties intervene

Ruling of the Advertising Jury of Autocontrol of 11 September 2014 (Individual vs. Reckitt Benckiser España, “Durex”)

Carmela Losada


Background This ruling was given as a result of a claim filed by an individual against and advertisement of Durex personal lubricants. The advertisement was being shown at a pharmacy office through a screen facing the street. The claimant considered that the content of the video was not appropriate for minors and that, therefore, it...
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