La entrada en vigor de la Ley de Transparencia

Jordi Faus


Dentro de dos meses entrará en vigor el grueso de la Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Buen Gobierno, que debe permitir a cualquier persona acceder a cualquier documento que obre en poder de cualquier administración pública y que haya sido elaborado o adquirido en el ejercicio de sus funciones. La ley...
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Chambers Global Practice Guides – Life Sciences 2015

Jordi Faus, Carmela Losada, Irene van der Meer and Xavier Moliner


For more than 20 years Chambers Guides have ranked lawyers and law firms across the world. Chambers now offers clients a new series of Global Practice Guides, which contain practical guidance on doing legal business in key jurisdictions. Chambers selects leading law firms in each jurisdiction to write the “Law & Practice” sections. The “Law...
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Medicamentos falsificados y Código Penal

Jordi Faus


La semana pasada la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (Aemps) prohibió la comercialización y ordenó la retirada del mercado de los productos Megas X comprimidos y Megas X Gold comprimidos, que se presentaban como complementos alimenticios cuando en realidad contenían sildenafilo en cantidad suficiente para ejercer una acción farmacológica. Se trata de una...
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Technology transfer in the pharmaceutical sector: experiences after 25 years negotiating and drafting agreements

Faus & Moliner participated in "Monday's Patent Meeting" at the Patent Center of the University of Barcelona

The “Monday’s Patent Meetings” are a discussion and learning forum that the Patent Center of the University of Barcelona has been organizing since 2001. During this meeting, held on 29 September in Barcelona, Jordi Faus made a presentation about technology transfer in the pharmaceutical sector. In his speech, Jordi Faus shared with the audience his...
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The rules on misleading advertising help to overcome the difficulties to criminally prosecute falsified medicines

Judgment of the Criminal Court of Madrid of 4 July 2014

Verónica Carías


Background In this case, the court analyzes whether the commercialization and advertising of Bio-Bac, which started in Spain in the 90s could be criminally prosecuted. Bio-Bac was a compound of proteins and amino-acids which was marketed at the offices of some doctors and also directly to consumers through internet. The information which was given to...
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The re-evaluation of medicines by the regions conflicts with the current legislation

Judgment of the Administrative Court of Castilla y Leon of 21 July 2014

Juan Suárez

Capsulas Nº 155

Background In recent times, it is frequent that committees and evaluation groups formed within the regional administrations in Spain or in scientific societies reassess the efficacy of medicines which have been accepted for reimbursement within the National Health System. Frequently, the conclusions of these pseudo-evaluations are used to give instructions on prescription. Sometimes, doctors who...
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New criteria for filing administrative appeals against invitations to tenders

Decision by the Central Administrative Court for Contractual Appeals, nº 557/2014 of 18 July 2014

Xavier Moliner


Background On 19 July 2014, the Central Administrative Court for Contractual Appeals (TACRC) adopted ruling 557/2014 in which it set forth new criteria in connection with how to calculate the term of 15 working days for the purposes of filing a special appeal against invitations to tenders in public procurement procedures. Since this new special...
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Special attention to advertising expressions taking into account who are the intended recipients

Resolutions of the Jury of Advertising of 30 July “Maximum Protection Caries” and “Smydesign Dental Esthetics, Smyone Implantology and Smysecret Orthodontics”

Carmela Losada


“Maximum” is a top parity expression In this case (Procter & Gamble vs. Colgate), the claim was submitted against an internet advertisement showing the labeling of the toothpaste “Colgate Maximum Protection Caries”. The claimant considered that the expression “Maximum Protection Caries” suggests that the toothpaste offers protection equal to the maximum protection possible, which was...
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Revaluación de medicamentos

Jordi Faus


Este año ha sido el primero en el cual los licenciados en derecho han debido someterse a un examen de acceso a la profesión de abogado antes de poder ejercer. Al parecer el ejercicio fue duro, y las redes sociales se hicieron eco de multitud de quejas al respecto. Los aspirantes que han superado la...
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Nuevos estados en Europa y medicamentos

Jordi Faus


La posibilidad de que, en los próximos años, aparezcan en Europa nuevos estados mediante procesos democráticos y pacíficos, puede ser un aliciente para todos aquellos que se sienten atraídos por la innovación y los retos. Para quienes se encuentran más cómodos con el statu quo, es posible que sea más un engorro; y seguramente hay...
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