La modificación del régimen jurídico del medicamento a través de la Ley 10/2013 y la necesidad de un texto refundido de la Ley 29/2006

Jordi Faus

Cuadernos de Derecho Farmacéutico, issue 50, July-September 2014

In July 2013, the Spanish Congress approved Law 10/2013. This Law implemented Directive 2010/84/EU on pharmacovigilance and 2011/62/EU on the the prevention of the entry into the legal supply chain of falsified medicinal products. Moreover, Law 10/2013 modified various aspects of Law 29/2006 on guarantees and rational use of medicinal products and medical devices. The amendment of...
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Un poco de sentido común, por favor

Juan Suárez


Retorno a mis quehaceres tras el agradable parón veraniego, y no puedo evitar suspirar aliviado por el hecho de que no se haya producido ninguna sorpresa inesperada. Y es que nuestras administraciones públicas se han acostumbrado en los últimos tiempos a una forma de hacer las cosas que se da de bofetadas con el concepto...
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¿Qué es y qué no es un medicamento?

Jordi Faus


El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea se ha vuelto a pronunciar, mediante una sentencia reciente, sobre el concepto de “medicamento”. En la época en que vivimos, donde los mensajes sobre hábitos saludables son omnipresentes, y donde más de uno pone en el mercado productos capaces de aliviar dolencias de todo tipo, los casos...
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The European Commission fines Servier and five generic companies for breach of antitrust rules

In its press release of 9 July, the Commission states that it has fined the companies for a total of 427 Million Euro

Jordi Faus


Two infringements In this recent decision of the Commission, not yet published, it is stated that Servier breached European competition law at least in two instances. On the one hand, Servier acquired the control of a company that developed a technology which would allow to manufacture generic versions of perindopril without infringing several secondary patents...
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Substances used only for “recreational” purposes, which are not beneficial for health are not medicinal products

Judgment of the ECJ of 10 July 2014 in accumulated cases C-358/13 and C-181/14 on the concept of “medicinal product”

Juan Suárez


Background This case has its origin in a criminal process followed in Germany against two persons who were accused of marketing small bags containing herbs to which synthetic cannabinoids had been added. Some of the bags included the notice that they were intended as an air freshener and not indicated for human consumption. However, the...
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A contract may be terminated if specific performance depends on a third party

Judgment of the Supreme Court, 5 June 2014, case 318/2014

Irene van der Meer


Background Two companies entered into a pre-agreement under which one of them agreed to build a parking facility in a plot of land of its property and to sell it to the other one after the construction. The other party agreed to buy the parking facility. After signing this pre-agreement, the City Council denied the...
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The exception of force majeure when special clauses are not included in an international agreement

Judgment of the Supreme Court of 5 June 2014

Eduard Rodellar


Background In January 2008, Belgian company St. Paul, N.V., dedicated to the manufacturing and sale of industrial cheese and the Spanish Freigel Foodsolutions, S.A. entered into various supply agreements. In accordance with the terms of the agreements, the Belgian manufactured agreed to supply circa 800Tm of cheese to the Spanish company, who intended to use...
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La aplicación de la OPR y la corrección de errores

Jordi Faus


¿Estáis completamente seguros? ¿Me estás diciendo que los pedidos que sirvamos durante el día de hoy tienen que salir ya al nuevo precio? Mira, la Orden de Precios de Referencia lo dice muy claro: “Esta orden producirá efectos a partir del día de su publicación en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado”, y el artículo 6...
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Servier y el debate de las patentes

Jordi Faus


La Comisión Europea ha decidido sancionar a Servier y a cinco compañías fabricantes de genéricos por infringir las normas europeas en materia de libre competencia. A día de hoy solo conocemos el comunicado de prensa de la Comisión Europea, el cual nos ofrece sin embargo detalles suficientes para hacer un comentario breve al respecto. En...
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“Sostenella y no enmendalla”

Juan Suárez


El empecinamiento de las autoridades andaluzas en llevar adelante la subasta de las mal llamadas “alternativas terapéuticas equivalentes”, sigue sumando rechazos de los diferentes agentes. A las críticas del Gobierno, de la industria, y de las sociedades científicas y profesionales más relevantes, se viene a sumar ahora la oposición frontal del Defensor del Pueblo por...
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