Global Legal Insights to: Pricing & Reimbursement 2023

Jordi Faus, Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach

Global Legal Group

The sixth edition of Pricing & Reimbursement has been recently published and just like last year Jordi Faus, with the collaboration of Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach, has been in charge of the chapter dedicated to pricing and reimbursement in Spain. GLI Pricing & Reimbursement 2023 includes the following sections for each of the...
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El medicamento en lo tribunales en el año 2022

Jordi Faus, Xavier Moliner, Eduard Rodellar, Lluís Alcover, Anna Gerboles, Santiago Tomas, Juan Martínez, Joan Carles Bailach, Laia Rull and Claudia Gonzalo


By means of this article we go through the most important decisions by Spanish andEuropean courts regarding medicinal products during the year 2022.

Is it the end of Revalmed?

About the Judgment of the National High Court of 26 June 2023

Lluís Alcover and Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 241

Plan for the consolidation of TPRs Following the approval of a new medicine or a new indication for an already approved medicine, a process is initiated to decide whether or not the new medicine should be funded by the National Health System (NHS) and, if funded, its price (the P&R process). The P&R process is...
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Medicinal products in election manifestos

About the proposals on medicinal products contained in the manifestos of the political parties for the forthcoming general elections in Spain

Joan Carles Bailach

Capsulas Nº 240

Medicinal products in election manifestos On the proposals on medicinal products contained in the manifestos of the political parties for the forthcoming general elections in Spain Background General elections will be held in Spain on Sunday 23rd July. The next government will face important challenges in relation to medicinal products, including the revision of the...
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El medicamento en los programas electorales

Joan Carles Bailach

El Global

Este próximo 23 de julio la ciudadanía española con derecho a voto está llamada a las urnas para elegir el nuevo Congreso de los Diputados y el nuevo Senado. El próximo Gobierno deberá afrontar grandes retos en los próximos meses y años, especialmente en materia farmacéutica. A pesar del ruido que generan las campañas electorales,...
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Faus Moliner closes its anniversary year with an act about “The future of medicinal products in Europe”

The act took place at the Real Casino de Madrid

The evening began, just like a year ago in Barcelona, with an interesting dialogue on “The Future of midicinal products in Europe.” On this occasion, we had the participation of María Jesús Lamas Díaz, Director of the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices; César Hernández, General Director of the Common Portfolio of Services of...
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Faus Moliner participa en «Chambers Global Practices Guides – Product Liability & Safety 2023»

Xavier Moliner and Juan Martínez write the chapter on product liability in Spain

The “Chambers Global Practices Guides” publication is a practical reference that provides easily accessible information for browsing the legal system when conducting business in different jurisdictions. Leading lawyers in the sector explain local laws and practices in key transaction stages and for crucial aspects of doing business.

1028 días

Joan Carles Bailach

El Global

“Declarar la finalización de la situación de crisis sanitaria ocasionada por la Covid-19”. Con estas palabras, tras 1.028 días desde que se declaró el primer estado de alarma, el Gobierno ha declarado el fin de la crisis sanitaria del Covid-19. Sin duda, han sido tres años duros para toda la sociedad española, y especialmente para...
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