Jordi Faus makes a presentation about the Royal Decree on the Reference Price System in the first Online Seminar organized by CEFI

Royal Decree 177/2014 of 21 March 2014 also regulates the information systems regarding financing and prices of medicinal products and medical devices

After long months of negotiation, this very important regulation on reference prices, the system of homogeneous groups, and certain information systems regarding pricing and reimbursement of medicinal products has been approved. The State Council, when reporting on the draft, already pointed out that this is a complex issue, difficult to understand for those who do...
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Royal Decree 177/2014 on the Reference Price System

Presentation at the CEFI online Seminar on Reference Prices

After long months of negotiation, this very important regulation on reference prices, the system of homogeneous groups, and certain information systems regarding pricing and reimbursement of medicinal products has been approved. The State Council, when reporting on the draft, already pointed out that this is a complex issue, difficult to understand for those who do...
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La innovación vuelve a estar contra las cuerdas

Jordi Faus


En las facultades de derecho se enseña que la motivación de los actos administrativos es algo muy importante, tanto que la falta de la misma puede llegar a comportar su anulación. En las disposiciones como el recientemente publicado Real Decreto 177/2014 de precios de referencia, agrupaciones homogéneas y sistemas de información en materia de financiación...
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Ahora nos toca pagar a todos

Juan Suárez


La publicación de la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, confirmando la anulación de la Orden de Precios de Referencia de diciembre de 2009, ha levanta un revuelo lógico dadas sus posibles implicaciones económicas. El alto tribunal, como era de esperar, acoge el cambio de criterio jurisprudencial iniciado por la Audiencia Nacional en el 2010, confirmando que,...
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Introducción a la regulación del sector farmacéutico

Presentation at the Course on Regulated Areas in the Master in Professional Law Practice of Pompeu Fabra University

Jordi Faus
Jordi Faus lectures on pharmaceutical law at the master for graduate law students. The Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona has selected Faus & Moliner to participate in the course on regulated sectors that is part of the Master program for graduate law students. Faus & Moliner partner Jordi Faus has lectured on the rules that...
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Faus & Moliner collaborates with the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona

Jordi Faus lectures on pharmaceutical law at the master for graduate law students

The Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona has selected Faus & Moliner to participate in the course on regulated sectors that is part of the Master program for graduate law students. Faus & Moliner partner Jordi Faus has lectured on the rules that apply to medicinal products in Spain and in the European Union. In his...
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El pacto

Juan Suárez


Sin duda una de las noticias que ha acaparado la atención mediática en los últimos días ha sido el pacto por la sostenibilidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud, recientemente suscrito entre el Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad y Farmaindustria. El acuerdo alcanzado ha levantado una expectación perfectamente legítima, pero para los que llevamos...
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Important fine to an investigator that promoted a clinical trial without administrative approval

The Judgment of the Superior Court of Justice of 19 December 2013 confirms a fine of 120.000 Euros imposed by the Autonomous Region of Madrid

Jordi Faus


Background As a result of an anonymous complaint made before the Spanish Agency of Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (AEMPS in Spanish), an infringement procedure was initiated against a physician claiming that he had carried out a clinical trial, acting as sponsor and principal investigator, without obtaining prior approval, without having received a favorable ruling...
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A company bidding for the supply of consumable products may be obliged to offer measuring devices free of charge

Resolution No 88/2014, of 5 February 2014, of the Central Administrative Court of Public Procurement Appeals

Xavier Moliner


Background In a public tender procedure for the award of a supply agreement of test strips to measure parameters or indicators for the diagnosis, it is frequent that the winner be also obliged to supply, free of charge, measuring devices as well as any other equipment necessary for their use. This obligation was provided for...
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Biological medicinal products must be identified by their trademark in medical prescriptions

Royal Decree 81/2014, of 7 February, modifies Royal Decree 1718/2010, of 17 December, on medical prescription and dispensation orders

Carmela Losada


Background Royal Decree 81/2014, of 7 of February, which establishes the rules to ensure cross-border healthcare assistance, and which modifies Royal Decree 1718/2010, of 17 of December, on medical prescription and dispensation orders came into force on 8 of February. The amendment of Royal Decree 1718/2010 is the result of incorporating Directive 2011/24/EU to our...
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