Equivalencia terapéutica – Marco legal

Presentation at the Course on Therapeutic Equivalence and Biosimilars

Juan Suárez
Therapeutic equivalence is one of the hottest topics in Spanish pharmaceutical law and practice. In some regions, the purchasing authorities have decided to trigger public procurement procedures which may lead to the selection of one product and make it very difficult for prescribers to use a different one. In this event, the Spanish Rheumatology Society...
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Faus & Moliner speaks at a Course organized by the Spanish Rheumatology Society

Juan Suarez speaks about the legal framework for therapeutic equivalence in Spain

Therapeutic equivalence is one of the hottest topics in Spanish pharmaceutical law and practice. In some regions, the purchasing authorities have decided to trigger public procurement procedures which may lead to the selection of one product and make it very difficult for prescribers to use a different one. In this event, the Spanish Rheumatology Society...
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Análisis legal de las medidas relacionadas con la financiación, prescripción y dispensación de medicamentos

Presentation at the II Professional Meeting on Institutional Relations and Market Access

Jordi Faus
In Spain, regional governments are responsible for funding the cost of medicines, whilst the central government is the one who decides which products are reimbursed and at what price. This system has created some difficulties, because some regions have taken measures which make access to some medicines very difficult despite the fact that the central...
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II Professional Meeting on Market Access and Institutional Relations

Jordi Faus speaks about the measures taken by various regions in Spain regarding pricing and reimbursement of medicines

In Spain, regional governments are responsible for funding the cost of medicines, whilst the central government is the one who decides which products are reimbursed and at what price. This system has created some difficulties, because some regions have taken measures which make access to some medicines very difficult despite the fact that the central...
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Ahora toca cumplir con la industria

Juan Suárez


Coincidiendo con el arranque del nuevo curso político comienzan a vislumbrarse algunos indicios en la evolución de nuestra economía que invitan a un moderado optimismo. Conjurado definitivamente el fantasma del rescate, gobierno y oposición, por una vez y sin que sirva de precedente, coinciden en aventurar que lo peor de la crisis parece haber pasado...
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La Aemps busca mantener el CPS en productos sanitarios

Jordi Faus


Han leído la nota aclaratoria de la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios sobre la publicidad de productos sanitarios tras la entrada en vigor de la Ley 10/2013 de 24 de julio? Si pretenden hacerlo, háganlo por la mañana, bien despiertos, y con un día liviano por delante. Se lo explico. La Ley 10/2013...
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La necesaria simplificación del nuevo Decreto de precios

Jordi Faus


La semana pasada participé en un foro de debate sobre el próximo Real Decreto de financiación y precios de los medicamentos, una reunión organizada por Fuinsa en la que representantes de la administración y de la industria conversamos e intercambiamos puntos de vista sobre un tema de gran relevancia. De los temas que se trataron...
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“Alternativas Terapéuticas Equivalentes”, a conference organized by El Global and Gaceta Médica

Jordi Faus speaks about therapeutic equivalence and how this concept is being used by hospitals and regions in Spain

Therapeutic equivalence is becoming one of the hottest topics in Spanish pharmaceutical law and practice. On 27 March 2013, the Central Court for Administrative Contractual Appeals ruled that when approving an invitation to tender dividing the object of the contract in various lots, different active ingredients should not be included in the same group because...
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Alternativas Terapéuticas Equivalentes

Presentation at the El Global Conference "Alternativas Terapéuticas Equivalentes: ¿Indicaciones en entredicho?"

Jordi Faus
Therapeutic equivalence is becoming of the hottest topics in Spanish pharmaceutical law and practice. On 27 March 2013, the Central Court for Administrative Contractual Appeals ruled that when approving an invitation to tender dividing the object of the contract in various lots, different active ingredients should not be included in the same group because therapeutic...
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Fuinsa organizes a forum to debate about the new rules on pricing and reimbursement in Spain

Jordi Faus participates at an event where officials from the Ministry of Health have been able to listen to suggestions from the industry in connection with the upcoming rules

The rules which govern pricing and reimbursement of medicines in Spain go back to 1990, when Royal Decree 271/1990 was approved implementing the provisions contained in the first EU Transparency Directive. Since then, major changes have occurred in the legal and economic environment in Spain and also in the EU. At the same time that...
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