The direct effect of the European Union law celebrates its 50th anniversary

Regarding the judgment of the European Court of Justice in the Case Van Gend & Loos of 5 February 1963

Jordi Faus


50 years have passed since the delivery of the Van Gend & Loos judgment, the first one in which the European Court of Justice established the doctrine known as the principle of direct effect. The creation of the EEC in 1957, a few years after the end of the Second World War, marked an authentic...
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Hot topics that economic efficiency assessments raise in daily legal practice

Jordi Faus speaks about "Hot topics that economic efficiency assessments raise in daily legal practice"

Jordi Faus
Defining the criteria for economic efficiency assessment of medicines is essential. This is one of the conclusions of the Conference held on 8 May 2013 in Madrid, where various experts have discussed about these matters. The Conference has been organized by the Department of Economy of Medicines of the University Carlos III in Madrid, in...
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El nuevo sistema de financiación, artículo 85 Ter. 1 de la Ley 29/2006

Faus & Moliner partner Juan Suárez speaks about pricing and reimbursement of medicines in Spain and about therapeutic equivalence

Juan Suárez
Faus & Moliner has been present, once more, at the Pharmaceutical Law course organized by CEFI, the Spanish Centro de Estudios para el Fomento de la Investigación. The objective of the CEFI courses has always been to analyse, from a legal but also practical perspective, the main issues that affect the life of a medicinal...
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Administrative liability if European rules are infringed

The judgment of the National High Court of 6 March 2013 limits the right to claim liabilities to those who invoked European rules

Jordi Faus


Background Some years ago, in Spain it was almost impossible to market food supplements and similar plant based products unless they were included in the Annex of the Order of 3 October 1973. The administrative practice  consisted of systematically withdrawing these products from the market, without considering if the products were legally marketed in other...
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The strategies in view of the approval of generics and the rules of competition defense

Decision 13-D-11 of the French Competition Authority in the case Sanofi-Aventis (Plavix®)

Jordi Faus


Background The generic clopidogrel based medicinal products that were approved starting from July 2008, when the basic patents of this product expired, showed two differences with respect to Plavix® that was the reference medicinal product: the generics contained a clopidrogel salt different from the one used for Plavix® and could not include, among their approved...
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Some essential premises regarding the evidence to prove solvency in public procurement procedures

Resolution of the Central Administrative Court of Public Procurement Appeals of 18 April 2013, resolution No 152/2013

Xavier Moliner


The resolution of the Central Administrative Court of Public Procurement Appeals at issue had to resolve on a decision that excluded a company from a tender for not having submitted sufficient documentation to prove that it met the economic solvency requirements demanded in the tender conditions. Basic premises to prove solvency From this resolution we...
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The interest of the administration is not the only public interest that deserves to be protected

Resolution of the Central Administrative Court of Public Procurement Appeals of 27 of March of 2013 in the case of the central purchasing body for medicinal products


At the end of March, the Central Administrative Court of Public Procurement Appeals issued its resolution regarding the Specifications approved by INGESA for the Framework Agreement for the selection of suppliers of medicinal products for various Autonomous Communities and State Organizations, which is known as the central purchasing body for medicinal products. It is a...
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The fact that an association provides paid services to the pharmaceutical industry is not enough to revoke its declaration of public interest

Judgment of the National High Court, of 6 of March of 2013, which annuls the decision of the Ministry of Health to revoke the declaration of public interest of a scientific association


The “Spanish Breast Cancer Research Group” (GEICAM) was formed in April 2002. According to its bylaws, such association had the purpose to perform scientific research in oncology, and breast cancer in particular. For the implementation of such objective it organized, among other activities, courses, conferences, publications, prizes and scholarships among its associates, physicians dedicated to...
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New guidelines of the European Commission regarding the safety of medicinal products and medical devices

Identification of medical devices and of medicinal products subject to additional monitoring


Regulation (EU) No 198/2013 regarding the new identification symbol that must be incorporated by medicinal products whose authorization is subject to additional monitoring was published this past March. This publication was followed, only a month later, by the Commission Recommendation of 5 April 2013, through which a unique device identification system is intended to be...
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New guidelines on the labelling of food products that claim beneficial properties for health

Decision of the Commission, of 24 of January of 2013, with guidelines on the application of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims

Background Food products claiming beneficial properties for health represent an increasingly more attractive market. Their proliferation over the last two decades lead the Community authorities to regulate their advertising through Regulation (EC) 1924/2006, with the objective to adequately protect consumers while putting an end to the disparity of criteria that national authorities had been applying...
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