Novelties in the fight against late payment of debts of companies and Public Administrations: one step forward and another one back

Royal Decree-Law 4/2013, of 22 of February, on support measures for entrepreneur, stimulation of growth and job creation


On 23 of February Royal Decree-Law 4/2013 was published in the Official Journal. In spite of its title, such regulation amends various fields that have little or nothing to do with employment. We refer here to the amendments that affect Law 3/2004, which establishes measures for fighting late payment in commercial transactions, and the recast...
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It is necessary to verify the safety of the product in order to be exempt from liabilities

Judgment of the Provincial Court of Madrid, Section 8, number 589/2012, of 29 of October of 2012


Background The Provincial Court of Madrid (APM) has issued a judgment on civil liability for defective product that examines one of the cases foreseen by law to exempt the manufacturer or importer of the product from liability even if the defect, the damage and the causal relationship between these two elements have been proven. The...
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The importance of not making a mistake with the envelope when submitting an offer in a public procurement proceeding

Case 9/2012, of 4 of December, of the Consultative Commission of Public Procurement of the Board of Andalusia


Background An Andalusian city council called a procurement procedure for the management of home assistance, through an open procedure and based on several awarding criteria. In their offers the bidders had to submit the criteria to be valued through formulas (the software and the economic offer) in envelope B and the criteria to be considered...
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Competition law, to the defense of those who bear the cost of healthcare services

Resolution of the Council of the Spanish Competition Authority of 9 of January of 2013, Case S/0299/10, Council of Professional Odontologists and Stomatologists Associations

Juan Suárez


In this Resolution, the Spanish Competition Authority (CNC for its acronym in Spanish) declares that the Council of Professional Odontologists and Stomatologists Associations of Spain has infringed the Spanish Competition Law 15/2007, for carrying out acts that entail that dentists get to impose the choice of the dental prosthetics. An analysis of the Resolution reveals...
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Strict implementation of the terms to request reimbursement of fees. It is important to pay attention to them in order not to lose money

Judgment of the National High Court, of 14 and 17 of January of 2013, on reimbursement of fees for applications to the AEMPS


These are difficult times for everyone and  healthcare administrations are no exception. The containment of the deficit imposed by our European partners makes us scrutinize every euro that we spend, and an example of this would be the tightening of the criteria applied by the AEMPS for the access to the reimbursement of the fees...
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News regarding prescriptions in Spain and in Europe: more guarantees for the patient, especially in the case of biological medicinal products

During the year 2013 Royal Decree 1718/2010, of 17 of December and Directive 2012/52/EU of the Commission shall come into force


Private prescriptions Royal Decree 1718/2010, of 17 of December, regarding medical prescriptions and dispensation orders requires that starting from 21 of January of 2013 private prescriptions, both in paper as well as in electronic form, must have a homogeneous content and format in the entire territory of Spain. The regulation details the data that will...
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Competition rules and liberalization of activities in the pharmaceutical sector

Regarding the Report of the Spanish Competition Authority (CNC) on the draft Royal Decree on distribution of medicinal products

Carmela Losada


Recently, the CNC has issued its report on the Draft Royal Decree on Distribution of Medicinal Products for Human Use. The publication of this report coincides in time with the completion of the Draft Royal Decree on financing and pricing of medicinal products and with the appearance of news about the reopening of the debate...
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Regulations applicable to medical devices apply when the device is intended for medical purposes

Judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) of 22 November 2012, Case C-219/11 Brain Products


Background In this Judgment the European Court of Justice has expressed its position on the interpretation of the definition of “medical device”, in a reference for a preliminary ruling from a German Court, in the proceedings between Brain Products and BioSemi. The dispute between the above mentioned companies occurred in connection with BioSemi’s marketing of...
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New European Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments

Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012, of 12 of December of 2012, on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters

Rodrigo Osorio

Capsulas Nº 139

In order to facilitate the free movement of judgments in the EU and to improve access to justice, the European Parliament and Council have enacted on 12 of December of 2012 a new Regulation 1215/2012 on jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgment in civil and commercial matters, which shall apply to legal proceedings instituted from...
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The European Union approves new measures in order to refine the working of the pharmacovigilance system

Directive 2012/26/EU and Regulation (EU) number 1027/2012, both of 25 of October, which modify Directive 2001/83/EC and Regulation (EC) number 726/2004


Background It is well known that in the year 2010 the European Union authorities approved an important package of measures in order to improve the efficiency and coordination of the European pharmacovigilance system. The aim was to rationalize the procedures for the detection and evaluation of adverse effects, to avoid duplication and unnecessary procedures, to...
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