New controversy regarding the application of the provisions of Royal Decree-Law 16/2012

Position paper from the AEMPS with respect to the guarantees of generic medicinal products


Background The letter addressed to the Spanish Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (AEMPS) by the president of the Official Association of Pharmacists of Orense (COFO), in which the latter expresses his doubts on the guarantees offered by some generic medicinal products that the pharmacies must dispense in application of the controversial Royal Decree-Law...
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El Tribunal de Justicia confirma que las oficinas de farmacia no pueden distribuir medicamentos sin autorización de mayorista

Jordi Faus


Antecedentes Varios farmacéuticos italianos fueron denunciados ante los tribunales de su país por distribuir medicamentos al por mayor sin ser titulares de la autorización exigida por la ley italiana. La mayoría de los procedimientos fueron archivados por considerarse que un farmacéutico ya autorizado para vender medicamentos al por menor estaba exento de obtener la autorización...
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What is going on in Spanish pharmaceutical law?

A commentary on the most relevant aspects of Royal Decree-law 16/2012 which affect pharmaceutical and medical devices' companies


You have undoubtedly heard a lot about Spain lately. Debt crisis, public deficit, bailout or financial assistance to some Spanish banks (call it as you like) are some of the issues that have been on the news every day during the last months; and will probably continue so during some time. In this situation, the...
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There are sound arguments to challenge the Andalusian Health Service tender of medicinal products

The State Council rules against (Opinions 158/2012 and 160/2012) while SAS publishes the selected medicinal products (Resolution of 19 of March)


The Andalusian tender is null Until Sunday 25 of March, one might have thought that the storm created by the Board of Andalusia and by the Andalusian Health Service (SAS for its acronym in Spanish) with the “tender” of medicinal products would die down independently of the different administrative or legal procedures in course. It...
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Recommending the retail price is legal as long as a fixed or minimum price is not imposed or encouraged

Resolution of the Spanish Competition Authority (CNC) of 30 of December of 2011 (Case S/323/11 Industrial Farmacéutica Cantabria)


A company which sells pharmaceutical products through a web page filed a complaint with the CNC against a pharmaceutical company which manufactures and markets cosmetics and food supplements for an alleged resale price maintenance, refusal to supply and discrimination between traditional and electronic selling. According to the complainant, certain promotional packs were vetoed to the...
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Post-contractual non-compete covenants in an employment contract cannot be left to the sole discretion of one of the contracting parties

Judgment of the Supreme Court, Fourth Chamber, of 8 of November of 2011, Appeal 409/2011


Background An employee signed an employment contract with her company, subjecting the employee to a non-compete obligation, applicable during the term of the contract and during a period of six months after the expiry of such contract. In exchange for the non-compete obligation, the employee would receive, at the end of the employment relationship, a...
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Processing of personal data without the consent of the data subject when there is a legitimate interest to do so

Judgment of the Supreme Court, Contentious-Administrative Chamber , of 8 of February of 2012


Background In our CAPSULAS 130 of November of 2011 we commented on the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), of 24 of November 2011, regarding the possibility that the national law may establish that, in order to process personal data without the need to obtain the consent of the data...
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A supplier may select his clients on the basis of objective, transparent and non discriminatory criteria

Resolutions of the CNC of 14 November 2011 (Call forwarding) and of 1 December 2011 (Google); Judgment of the High Court of Justice of Madrid of 18 October 2011


Resolutions of the CNC The Spanish Competition Authority (CNC, for its Spanish acronym) has recently issued two resolutions (“Call forwarding” and “Google”) arising from customer complaints who considered that they had suffered unjustified refusals of service provision and discriminatory treatment, which implied an abuse of the dominant position of the companies against which the claims...
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The liability of the service provider and the Directive on liability for defective products

Judgment of the CJEU of 21 December 2011, case C-495/10, Centre hospitalier universitaire de Besançon v Thomas Dutrueux and Caisse primaire d'assurance maladie du Jura


Background During a surgery performed in a French hospital, a patient suffered burns caused by a defective heated mattress. The hospital was ordered to pay compensation to the patient and to the insurance company of the Jura region. The hospital lodged an appeal against this judgment with the Conseil d´État arguing that the court had...
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Obtaining adequate informed consent is essential in order to prevent liabilities

Judgment of the High Court of Justice of La Rioja, of 17 October 2011, on the liability of the Administration for damage caused by the administration of a medicine


Background Last month an interesting judgment of the High Court of Justice of the region of La Rioja was made public. This judgment stresses once more the importance of adequately documenting the informed consent of the patient with the aim to prevent the possible claim for liabilities for damages caused by the administration of a...
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