Faus Moliner participates in the 41st Symposium organized by the Spanish Association of Industry Pharmacists
Jordi Faus has intervened in the dialogue "New Law of Guarantees and Rational Use of Medicines: What are the keys necessary to advance in the satisfaction of all the agents involved?"
The 41st edition of the symposium organized by AEFI was held in Barcelona from June 6 to 7, 2023.
Jordi Faus, together with Isabel Piñeros (Director of Farmaindustria’s Access Department), Juan Carlos Saorín (Head of pricing at Roche) and Jose María López (Director of Diariofarma) shared their views on the aspects that would require an urgent modification of the Law to adapt the National Health System to the needs of the sector and patients.
In his speech, Jordi Faus put forward some ideas about what measures can be adopted at present to improve access to pharmaceutical innovation, especially in view of the current electoral period. In this sense, Jordi Faus has exposed the urgent need to modify the reference price system through a Royal Decree-Law, since this system is responsible for a large part of supply problems that exist with some medicinal products. According to Jordi Faus, the current regulation “economically hijacks pharmaceutical companies and drugs, but also the Administration” as it prevents the Ministry of Health from adopting exceptional measures to exclude essential and strategic drugs from the reference price system.
Finally, in relation to the modification of the Law on Guarantees and Rational Use of Medicines and Health Products announced in 2022 by the Ministry of Health, Jordi Faus pointed out that Faus Moliner presented more than 47 proposals for improvement; of which more than half were aimed at improving access to new drugs.