Faus Moliner participates in the V Forum of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Commissions organized by FUINSA

Jordi Faus participates in the round table entitled "The PTCs in the face of non-financed drugs".

The Fifth Forum of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Commissions was held in Madrid on 19 June and June 20, 2023. In his speech, Jordi Faus has launched different messages. In the first place, he has expressed his total respect for the activity of health professionals and managers of public pharmaceutical services, who have to make decisions...
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Faus Moliner participates in the 41st Symposium organized by the Spanish Association of Industry Pharmacists

Jordi Faus has intervened in the dialogue "New Law of Guarantees and Rational Use of Medicines: What are the keys necessary to advance in the satisfaction of all the agents involved?"

The 41st edition of the symposium organized by AEFI was held in Barcelona from June 6 to 7, 2023. Jordi Faus, together with Isabel Piñeros (Director of Farmaindustria’s Access Department), Juan Carlos Saorín (Head of pricing at Roche) and Jose María López (Director of Diariofarma) shared their views on the aspects that would require an...
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Faus Moliner participates in the “International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability 2023”»


The 2023 edition of the magazine International Comparative Legal Guide to Product Liability is now available. The Guide offers a practical insight into product liability issues across the world, and includes general articles on novelties in the field of product liability and country specific Q&A chapters. Xavier Moliner and Juan Martínez were in charge of...
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Faus Moliner at the 2023 European Pharmaceutical Law Forum 2023

Jordi Faus speaks at a roundtable on "Regulatory Frameworks for Healthcare Systems Solutions and Market Access Strategies"

The 32nd edition of the Informa European Pharmaceutical Law Forum took place in Brussels on 24-26 May 2023. As in other previous editions, various roundtables tackled key issues and developments in EU Pharmaceutical Law. Jordi Faus, together with Ilja Moree (Novartis AG) and Kirsten Broeckers, (Novartis Gene Therapies GmbH), spoke about legal issues raised by...
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Telemedicine: A global approach to trends and practices

Faus Moliner participates in the preparation of the guide on the regulation of telemedicine services in Spain

Jordi Faus, Anna Gerboles and Eduard Rodellar
This guide organized by the Healthcare and Life Sciences Law Committee covers the highly relevant topic of telemedicine across 54 countries offering practitioners and industry users easy access to the relevant applicable rules. Each jurisdiction answers the most frequently raised questions in relation to telemedicine concerning regulation, data privacy, professional and product liability aspects, as...
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La triple A: access, availability and affordability

Jordi Faus, Joan Carles Bailach

El Global

Hace unas semanas, nuestra compañera Claudia Gonzalo, escribía en esta misma tribuna sobre la propuesta de revisión de la legislación farmacéutica presentada por la Comisión Europea. Esta propuesta, según la propia Comisión, tiene como objetivo crear una verdadera “Unión Europea de la Salud”, y estimular lo que ya se conoce como la triple A: access, availability and...
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Innovación tecnológica en el sector salud: reto y oportunidad

Maria José López

El Global

El pasado martes tuvo lugar en Barcelona el Health Revolution Congress, organizado de forma muy exitosa por Barcelona Health Hub. Fue un encuentro intenso y extenso en el cual Barcelona, como hub tecnológico ya indiscutible, fue el punto de encuentro de empresas farmacéuticas, inversores, startups del ámbito de salud digital, y agentes de los sistemas públicos de...
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Faus Moliner is recognized once more in the 2023 Edition of The Legal 500 (Legalease)

Faus Moliner appears in Tier 1 in the area of Healthcare and Life Sciences

This year Jordi Faus is in the Hall of Fame and Xavier Moliner continues to appear as an outstanding person, while Lluís Alcover has been identified as a key lawyer of our firm. Those consultated by The Legal 500 remark that “Jordi Faus has great knowledge of the sector and an outstanding negotiating capacity. ” and...
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The future of medicinal products in Europe, first reflections

The Commission publishes its proposal and the process of reforming European pharmaceutical legislation begins

Jordi Faus

Capsulas Nº 238

Introduction and objectives On April 26th the Commission published its proposal for a revision of the European pharmaceutical legislation. The initiative includes a new Directive and a new Regulation, which revise and replace the current legislation (Directive 2001/83/EC and Regulation 726/2004). This is undoubtedly the most far-reaching reform of European pharmaceutical legislation in the last...
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